The attack

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(??? Pov)

Today is the day the day I am going to attack them and make the twins suffer oooooh how i LOVE making people suffer especially the skellingtons. I am just going to wait for the right moment to destroy them hehehe hohoho.

(Ofa's pov)

"Hey evil" i said "hm?" He hummed in response "ya know I've been thinking ever since we came here HE hasn't even attacked us" I said "oh Ye-" he tried to say but someone cut him off "SKELLINGTON TWINS WHERE ARE YOU" a familiar voice said then the entire camp turned and when we turned it was none other than the one and only "OOGIE BOOGIE" me, evil ,(y/n) and Nikki said and the other campers were confused and shocked and max he was annoyed and he had a look on his face and I know that look "hey so you are the "famous" boogie man" max said and oogie boogie he had a "yeah so what of it" face and max knew that face and said "so what do you do for a living pick your nose" and all the campers started laughing their ass off while me and the gang gave them an "ARE YOU CRAZY" or "ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A DEATH WISH" look and when we turned to oogie boogie he had an annoying look and out of the Blues toffee decided to show up great.

(Nikki pov)

Ok so oogie boogie just showed up and out of the blues toffee decided to show up great "ok Ofa you take toffee and we will take oogie got it" I said and the rest nodded "THEN LETS GO"
I shouted and we did what we do usually fight them "NARWHAL BLAST" I heard Ofa shout "FIRE BLAST" I heard evil shout " HEEYA" I saw (y/n) kicking the sack man full of bugs in the face and the campers just stood there in shock even max, gwen, and David. And we were just fighting when toffee kidnaped me,(y/n), evil and the campers except Ofa and he locked us in a crystal box and Ofa came bursting in the door (FYI: you guys are in ludo's castle) and he pressed a button and the box is lowering and we can't stop it "OFA HELP US" we screamed and I heard toffee wants her to destroy her wand "but I don't know how" she said and I heard toffee say "it's the first spell your brother taught you" and me, (y/n) and evil said or well screamed "OFA DON'T DO IT YOU CAN'T LET TOFFEE WIN SO WHATEVER YOU DO DON'T DO THE WHISPERING SPELL" but Ofa ignored us and did it "NO" when she finished she had tears eyes and her ghost unicorn went around her and repeated the spell in her right ear and tears ran down her right eye and the ghost disappeared and she wiped her tears "now let them go" she said and he actually let us go and she ran up to us and said "its not over yet" and we ran and she said to buff frog "run" and he ran with his babies and then the castle exploded.

*time skip*

"That was and interesting day" said David and the campers were still shocked but I know that that isn't the last we've seen of toffee or oogie boogie

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