Who they are

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(Readers pov)

OMG IT'S OFA AND EVIL NO WAY THEY ARE FINALLY HERE AT CAMP YAY anyways evil is like ofa's twin sister (tbh evil is lying about his age he is just 11 he just wanted to look cool hey shut up ofa) but evil is 10 minutes older and they are the pumpkin twins since when Jack dies evil will be in charge but when evil dies Ofa will be in charge and guess what they never separated ever anyways me, Nikki, evil and Ofa were playing wolves until David cleared his throat and asked me and Nikki to introduce them I said this is Ofa and evil and they are twins then Nikki said but evil is 10 minutes older than Ofa and we have been best friends since kindergarten.

(Max's pov) what the fuck (MAX LANGUAGE) did (y/n) just say that the guys name is EVIL!? But hey I have to give (y/n) a chance I mean she never lies to me but Nikki looks like she knows something and I'm gonna find out even if it cost me my life.
Nnt how emotion
(??? doePov)

Ooh looks like the skellington twins are here at camp and their friends are here too I just cannot wait to have fun hehehe especially since (y/n) doesn't have her wand or at least I think so heh just gonna find out hehehehehe

Hey guys evil her and um I know Ofa hasn't been updating she just has been busy but do not worry I am here and now Ofa doesn't show emotions to anyone anymore just her family but I don't know why but to be honest I uh I am worried about her but I hope she gets over it soon so until then see ya later

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