Hubba Hubba. I am Rubbar. I am a Giant Slime.
Being a Slime is one thing, but being a Giant Slime is a completely different thing! You know why it is soooooo cool being a slime? It's because your Immortal.
When someone attacks you, you become a regular slime, then when someone attacks you then, you turn into four tiny slime, then, if someone attacks you, you become grass! (Most people will doubt this, but my friend who used to be a slime is grass now and he can talk to me.)
Alright well, I'm signing off now. Hubba Hubba, I'm off of the cover.
Minecraft mobs
UmorismoI know clouds and lava aren't mobs but they are just extras for you guys. And yes the DERP moment really happened in real life. I might add more Mobs in the future. I hope you have fun reading this and Enjoy!