We have to get him back prt 1

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I woke up and got dressed, I wore a white shirt with a tiger's face on it and red ripped jeans. Because it's Sunday.

"Hey, Tomoe what's for breakfast?"

"Weren't you suppose to go to school? Because Nanami already left."

"What?!? We have school on Sunday!"

"Ok, why are you like that most of the time?"

"Well..." I told him everything about me in the other dimension and how I got here, blah, blah, blah.

"Really?!? I didn't know."

"Well now you do, don't tell Nanami! I want to tell her."

"Tell me what?"

"Oh shit, I didn't know you were there!"

"Well, what're gonna say."

You know this already so, skip, skip, skip.


"Yeah, and right now this is episode 5"

"And what happens?"

"Tomoe gets shrunken by the thunder god, Nanamori."

"What?!?" Tomoe yelled out.

"It happens during school, and since it didn't happen today, it's gonna happen tomorrow."

"Ok tell us all of it." Nanami said.

"But first, can we eat! I'm starving!"

After we ate, I told them what happened they were shocked.

"I turned into a kid..."

"I had to live with Kurama..."

"UGH!!!!" We all groaned.

"Well, now that you all know what's gonna happen, it will all change since we can plan it out. And since I'm here too, everything in the entire show will start to change!"

We all gasped.

"But, let's just see what's gonna happen tomorrow." I went back to my room and played piano tiles, until I fell asleep.

The next day

"Hey! Nanami aren't we gonna go to school?" I said in my school uniform.

"Um, didn't anyone tell you?"

"No, tell me what?"

"That we aren't gonna go to school today."

"What!?! I already changed!"

"Well then, you want to go to school?"

"Heck no! I'm just too lazy to change!"

"Well then don't change."

"Nah, never mind, I won't go to school yet I've missed a lot and I'll just change." I left the room.

"Really?" She whispered to herself.

"I heard that. Oh where's Tomoe?"

"I think he's getting the food for the week."

"Oh, okay." I went to take a shower, and changed into a black tank top that said ' I don't give a damn!' I love that shirt!!! and shorts that reached my knees.

I saw what was left in the fridge and there was barely anything. So I went into the shelves to see what else is in there.

Nope, ew, what the, oh yes! Instant ramen!

I got a pot and put some water in it. I added all the ramen and waited.

"Finally it's done! I'm starving! Nanami! I made instant ramen! Nanami?" I tried to find her, but she wasn't in the shrine.

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