We found Kotaru-kun

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"Hey Tomoe!" I 'accidentally' bumped into Tomoe.

"It seems you both are going to find Kotaru, am I wrong?"

"No, you are correct, but don't talk all British like! Its making me uncomfortable 'cause I'm like a Mexican redneck!"


"Well Nanami go get your stuff cause I got my bag with my money and iPhone so I'm ready."

"Okay." She left to get her stuff.

"Where are you both going?"

"You already answered that. We're going into town to find him, and then we'll shop for some clothes for me. Okay?" He's probably thinking that we're gonna leave forever like Mikage. So I walked away.

"Wait! I'll come with you."

"Okay, but can you put on some... never mind just... give me some of the clothes you wear."

"What for?"

"Just do it."

He gave me some of his clothes and me being a 'master sower' I am because of my mom, made a blue shirt with some ripped jeans and a hoodie for me. Wait till he sees this!

"Hey weren't we suppose to go like an hour ago?" Nanami asked.

"Yeah but Tomoe wanted to go so I made him some clothes."

"Is that why you needed my clothes?!?" He got angry that I ripped and made his clothes awesome.

"Here put these on and then well go. Oh and take off your tail and ears."

"Fine." he grumbled to himself.

-------- a few moments later-------

We were walking everywhere to find him and it asked Nanami a question.

"Hey Nanami, what ice cream place did you go to when you got your paycheck?"

"Oh it's um... that one." she pointed to a place with a brown sign.

We went in and got some ice cream, they sat down while I asked a worker if I can talk to Kotaru. Yay, I found him!

"Um Kotaru?"

"Ye-yes?" he stuttered for a moment.

"Hi, I'm Emi. Can we talk later like after your done with your work? I need to tell you something."

"Oka- okay?"

"That's great! I'll see you at the park after your shift... wait when is your shift over?"


"Okay, I'll be in the park at 7:00. See you later."

I saw the table where Tomoe, Nanami, and... That guy from school... Oh crap school!

"Hey what're you doing here?"

"Oh Emi, hi! What are you doing?"

"Leaving, let's go."

"Hey wait-"

"Hurt or even touch any of us and you'll be sorry." he gulped loudly.

---------- 7:00 at the park----------

"Hey Kotaru!" I said excitedly.

"Oh he- hey." he stutters a lot.

"So what did you want to talk to me about?"

"Do you remember ten years ago when you were at a lake and you cried until someone came up to you?"

"N-no not really. Sorry if I wasted your time because of that."

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