Questioning the Fat Acceptance Movement

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Hello kiddos. It's been a while.

I've been caught up with the disaster that is my college career. Apartment leases, fighting with campus housing, getting to class... It's fun. My boyfriend is also leaving to study in New York, so there's that. Happy about visiting him there, not happy about living here alone.

Anyways, I really wanted to give you guys SOMETHING to read. It's not a sue slaying, so get all those disappointed huffs out now. This is actually an end of the year project for my English 111 class. I was watching some YouTube videos on critiques, mostly centered around feminism and the body positive movement. I enjoyed this approach; taking a controversial stance and backing it with genuinely thoughtful ideas. The ones who did it correctly made sure to balance comedy and criticism as to not seem an outright bully.

I wanted to focus on the fat acceptance community. In order to expand on it, I'm going to tie certain patterns into other movements as well.

Alright. Time to put on your scholar glasses. Grab a cup of tea. We're about to get political in here.

Side Note: You may comment however you want on this entry. Same as Milo and I usually say; your opinion is welcome. Just be aware that my professor, while chill, will be seeing this. I'm sure what you say won't bother her, but if the idea scares you then either save your comments for later or vet them thoroughly.


I'm not going to sugarcoat this. Americans are fat, and I'm not talking a benign love handle here and there. I'm talking full on rolls that extend to the knees. Weight so massive that seats, beds, and specialized cranes have been designed to accommodate. Pounds of fat that crush internal organs. This is where we're at.

There's a myriad of reasons for America's obesity epidemic. Some unfortunate folks have serious conditions that render weight management an impossible task. Prader-Willi syndrome, a chromosomal flaw, affects the brain's ability to send signals and communicate a full feeling. Feeling starved is a constant struggle for them. Polycystic ovary syndrome, thyroid disorder, Cushing's syndrome, and depression are all weight gain culprits as well. These individuals have little to no control over the numbers they see on their scales.

Then there's the rest. Those with absolutely zero excuse as to why they've inflated to such a massive size. Addiction to sweets, aversion to healthy habits, laziness; the list continues for miles. Some come to terms with their unhealthy weight and either work to fix it or accept the consequences. I have no problem with either. If you're fat and you're happy that way, then you keep doing you. Your choice.

However, ideologies towards obesity have shifted greatly during the past few years and definitely not for the better. Enter the fat acceptance movement.

 Enter the fat acceptance movement

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It's just... it's a disaster. I mean the basis, the origin, of this movement was great. People that are overweight or obese aren't any less of a human being than those with normal weights. Any ridicule or harassment needs to be stopped. I can't argue with these principles.

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