Let's Talk About Bullies and Attention Seekers

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Hey guys, it's Kane.

So I've been searching around Wattpad a bit, checking up on authors we've run into, etc. I started to notice an interesting pattern with some users here on Wattpad. Those with a large following tend to have a really interesting habit.

They like to post extremely inappropriate things right in their public writings.

Now I'm not talking about nudity or things of that nature. I'm talking about personal drama that has no business being blasted across social media. For example, if I'm mad at a friend I don't come on here and bitch to all my readers about it. I damn well know that if I have thousands of followers and don't monitor their actions, they'll harass that person. They'll go after them.

That's the thing that blows my mind with these kinds of posters. They know that all this is doing is creating drama. They want their followers to mindlessly agree with them and go give that person hell. It's like a reckless, immature dog owner unleashing all his slobbering pooches on some poor person that sure as hell didn't ask for it.

Can we also talk about those that post private messages onto Wattpad without a shred of respect or dignity? Milo and I will ask users if we can post those messages. We don't plaster that shit anywhere we'd like.

It's just a bit aggravating, you know? I mean god forbid I actually work something out one on one like a mature adult. I mean why would I when I can whine to all my followers and gain useless solidarity!

It's that kind of sniveling attitude that just makes me want to slam my face into a wall

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It's that kind of sniveling attitude that just makes me want to slam my face into a wall. People get so high and mighty when they have that many followers. Oh shit, you have three thousand followers on a writing website?!? Jesus Christ man! I'm just itching to kiss your ever so dignified ass cheeks.

Take yourself down several notches. Sure you may be a decent writer, but you're not some writing messiah sent here to grace us with your superior presence. I mean look at me. Half the time I'm writing these reviews I have no idea what the hell I'm doing. You guys correct me all the time. Milo and I are both fully aware we aren't on a noteworthy level. Even if we get a ridiculous amount of followers, we're still not going to develop a pathetic God complex.

I mean I'm whining right now so you can definitely drag me for that one. Apologies. I can smell another Kane roasting in the works.

Then there's the suicidal posts. Look, I've been there. There's a good chance you've been there too. I don't mind people asking their followers for a bit of encouragement. Maybe you tell them you've been a bit down lately and just want a few pick me ups. That's fine. I think Wattpad is a great community that has plentiful positive reinforcement.

I do not, however, think posting an overly dramatic rant with the ending "I'm just going to kill myself now" gains any mature adult's respect. Yes, I as a follower would be worried. That's a serious topic you're posting about.

Unfortunately, I would also be extremely annoyed. The ONLY reason I've seen people post those open ended updates is because they want attention. They want ALLLLLLLLLL the attention from their followers. All the praise. Tell me you'd be so sad if I died. Tell me I can't kill myself. Tell me I'm the best writer you've ever met. Tell me Tell me Tell me Tell me.

There's already a stigma against people with depression and suicidal thoughts. You sure as hell aren't making it any better. Also, don't use your depression and/or anxiety to all out shit on people. It's not a fucking excuse. Please.

There's also the irony. Oh, the sweet irony!

If you are trying to stop bullies, you'd report them and go on your way right? I mean you wouldn't harass them into silence right...?

Or you can just write their user name down in a book and have all your users become bullies themselves! So you're becoming a bully to stop the bully and continuing to bully those that do even the slightest thing wrong to you...

I'm just not sure what happens

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I'm just not sure what happens. It's like people get a pretty solid following and they become King Shit of Terd Island. If I wanted to kill myself I'd climb up your ego and jump down to your IQ level. Have a little maturity for gods sake. Can you imagine two co workers in a business firm doing this?

Recipient: SEND ALL


Hey guys,

So I don't know if you heard, but my coworker Tim said that my power point sucked. Can you believe him?!? He also took my coffee mug and filled it with a little water! He's so rude. I can't believe someone that close to me would go behind my back like that. Like, we've been friends for two months and he would always say my power points are so good and TED Talk worthy. Now he does this? I'm so hurt right now. I NEED HIM TO ANSWER ME. He keeps ignoring me. Can you guys tell him he needs to talk to me. I feel so sad.... I might just... I'm gonna go. Hopefully I don't kill myself... GIVE ME ATTENTION AND START PETTY DRAMA MY LOWLY OFFICE BITCHE- I mean, sorry I can't be happy...


Way Better Than You AKA Best Office Worker Ever AKA Jack

I just can't see an adult acting like that. It's too damn pathetic and funny.

I suppose this is just a little thing to raise some questions. I'm not used to people acting this way so it's a bit of an oddity really. Just make you think; are there really people out there that act like this? Do they need this much attention? Can they not gain actual validation of their usefulness outside of the internet? Is this the only place that they feel they have control in their life? Do they enjoy the heady rush of power and popularity they get when their users attack other people on their command? Can I really keep pretending I'm a psychologist and type deep shit?

I mean I could be dead wrong here. Maybe this form of backwards justice is the most effective way to handle things? It just comes off as someone acting far too high and mighty. That always makes my skin crawl.

Then again, I'm acting pretty high and mighty myself here. This is just an opinion from Kane. None of this is fact or what not. I just have a certain way I view things and I'm wondering how you guys view these actions too. Do these things bother you as much as they do me? Am I just being a little bitch? I mean I'm always a little bitch, but more so than usual?

Anyways, that's that. I know we haven't updated in a while. Milo and I are dealing with our own struggles at the moment. BEING A SEMI ADULT IS FUN.


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