→Two| Detentions and Daires

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The cubicle door swung open to reveal Perrie Edwards. Leigh-Anne's eyes widen and she quickly put her glasses back on. She wiped away the remaining tears and began washing her hands. Leigh-Anne could feel Perrie's eyes wander over her body, making her uncomfortable.

"You a'ightc, curly?" Perrie questions as she throws away a paper towel.

"Of course," Leigh-Anne spoke quietly and dried her hands off.

"I heard you crying," Perrie said nonchalantly.

This made Leigh-Anne stop in her tracks. A rosy pink color flushed her cheeks as she tried to avoid eye contact with Perrie. The embarrassed girl continued with drying her hands and threw away the paper. As she was turning away to leave the restroom, Perrie began to speak again.


"It's Leigh-Anne," Leigh-Anne snapped, she just wanted the annoying blonde to go away.

"Okay, calm down, curly. I was just checking if you were okay," she shrugged and exited the bathroom.

A quiet sigh escaped Leigh-Anne's lips as she followed Perrie out of the bathroom and back into the hallway. Leigh-Anne just wanted to go home, lock herself in her room and cry. Although, she wouldn't need to lock herself in her room since both her parents won't be home until after ten o'clock. The tan-skinned teen pulled her phone from her pocket to check the time and to her surprise, lots of messages.

I'm sorry
Leighly, please.
Whatever, you had no chance anyway.

Leigh-Anne read the last text repeatedly, making sure she read it correctly. Sadly, she knew that the text was right. Andre has never even said a word to her, he probably didn't know she existed until today. As Leigh-Anne walked back to her locker she listed everything that was unlovable about herself. Brown eyes, boring brown eyes. Frizzy black hair that made me look like a lion. Who could love someone who is obsessed with reading and poetry. Who could love somone who does their homework for fun. Who could someone who looks like a rag doll. Who could love... me?

She hadn't noticed stray tears falling down her cheeks until she got to her locker. She tucked away her lunch sack and started to pull out her chemistry book. She glanced behind her locker to see Violet and Andre holding hands and laughing. Envy flowed through Leigh-Anne's veins as she slammed her locker shut, making Violet's head snap in her direction. Violet let go of Andre and started making her way towards Leigh-Anne's locker. Rolling her eyes, Leigh-Anne storms away before Violet could reach her.

Maybe in a few days it would blow over and Violet would realize that she was stupid, Leigh-Anne thought as she hurried down the crowed hallway. There was feeling deep down inside Leigh-Anne that she wouldn't come crawling back, there was nothing special about her anyway. Just as she entered the Chemistry classroom, the bell rang. She took her usual seat at the front and got out all of her class essentials.


Never in a million years would Leigh-Anne think she'd be standing in front of the detention room. She just wanted the day to be over, she just wanted to go home and cuddle into her blankets and watch Netflix. The tired girl wondered to the seat at the back of the classroom. She watched as Perrie walked in the room with a leather jacket and a packet of gum in her hand.

"Ms Edwards, take off that jacket. It is a violation to our uniform policy," Mrs Nancy said in her old and frail voice.

"So, violating the uniform means freezing our asses of?" Perrie said, earning a chuckle from the group of students, Including Leigh-Anne. Perrie smiled as she glanced in Leigh-Anne's direction.

"I beg your pardon," Mrs Nancy yells.

"I beg your pardon," Perrie mocks and makes her way to the back, near Leigh-Anne.

Perrie flashes small smile and sets her bag down beside her. Leigh-Anne cocks her head to the side when she noticed a silver ring with a blue gem in the middle of it. It was almost too big for her finger. It looked very expensive and from what Leigh-Anne has heard, Perrie lived in an orphanage. She wasn't one for listening rumours, who knows, maybe Perrie is richer than her.

The room fell silent and the students began the detention. Leigh-Anne pulled out her diary and began scribbling down in it. She would usually vent to Violet if she had a bad day but since Violet was the cause of that, she just wrote in her diary. Leigh-Anne glanced over at Perrie who was twirling her gum with her fingers and had her feet up on the desk, staring at the roof. Rolling her eyes, Leigh-Anne continued to write in her diary. How could someone be so disrespectful?

Finally, the detention had finished and everyone was packing away their things, well expect Perrie because she didn't rig anything.

Leigh-Anne quickly raced out to the front of the school and ordered and Uber. The cold Autumn wind made Leigh-Anne shiver. Perrie was right about something, the school jumpers do nothing.

The uber arrived and Leigh-Anne hopped in. She was relieved that this horrible day was over and she just go home, do her homework and watch Netflix.

Arriving at her house, Leigh-Anne thanked the Uber driver and headed inside. As usual, the house was empty. She missed Sairah and Sian being home. It made things less lonely, now they were both having families of their own and probably taking care of their children better than their own parents did to them. Setting her stuff down near the door, she wondered into the kitchen and got herself a snack.

Leigh-Anne let out a sigh of relief as she flopped down onto the couch. Unfortunately, as she was just logging into her Netflix, a loud knock came from the door. With a grunt, Leigh-Anne climbed off the couch and made her way to the front door. She swung it open and gasped when she saw who was standing there.

"Perrie?" Leigh-Anne said, kitting her eyebrows together in confusion.

"Hey, you left your diary at detention so I thought I'd bring it back," She smiles and holds out Leigh-Anne's brown leather diary.

"Oh Than- Wait, how did you fine my house?" Leigh-Anne questioned, lord confusion painted the girls face now.

"Well, my friend Ellie hacked into the school system," Perrie said nonchalantly, like it was so big deal.

"What the... did you read anything of this?" Leigh-Anne said, waving the book around.

"Well, I had to do something while I was waiting," Perrie chuckled and turns away from the door.

Leigh-Anne clenched her fists as she watched the annoying blonde walk out of the courtyard. Annoying blonde. I like that, Leigh-Anne smiled to herself and slammed the front door shut.

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