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Sandy's POV

Mona and I were sitting on the ground playing Mario Cart when I got a text from Goody. As I opened my phone I got excited. 

Gucci Goody:

Can you meet me at the Starbucks by your house?

After replying to him I pause the game with Mona and she instantly gets annoyed, "The second I'm winning you wanna leave. Whatever you want to go do can wait so sit back down."

I keep walking towards the door and put on my shoes, "Goody asked me to meet him at Starbucks."

"Why so suddenly?" She questioned.

"I'm not sure but I'm not complaining. I miss him."

"You literally saw him not even 24 hours ago calm down." She got up and turned off the Wii and grabbed her phone.

I walk out the door and start making my way over to Starbucks. As I'm walking around the corner I see Goody waiting in front of the shop scrolling through something on his phone. I speed up a bit, excited to see him.

"Hey, nerd!" I say cheerfully, "Come on let's go inside!"

"Actually I don't think we should," he says grabbing my wrist, "Let's sit here," He brings me to one of the tables they have outside.

"Don't you want to get anything?" I asked him curiously, "Why did you want to meet here then?"

"I just needed to talk to you and I didn't know a good place to."

"Okay, so what's up?"

"Did you and Joe have a thing going on before we became a thing?" 

I look at him confused wondering what made him think about this, "No we didn't. Why?"

"Then why does everyone on the planet want you two to be together?" He says harshly.

"I really don't know what you mean," I say trying to grab his hand but he avoids it.

"I can't go on any social media platform for more than two seconds without getting annoyed because people want to see my girlfriend with another guy more than they want to see her with me."

"It's just a ship that the show's fans made up. Every show has its ships but that doesn't mean that they're real." 

He pulls out his phone and goes onto Instagram. He pulls up his recent picture, "What is this picture of?" He asks me.

"Of food? What does this have to do with anything?" 

"Of food, exactly. So now read the comments under this post," He hands me his phone and I take a look. 

It's a great day for Sandy to break up with you and be with Joe

So can you and Sandy just split already? You're stopping her from being with her soul mate

Hm, a picture that isn't of Sandy? Does this mean you two broke up :)?   

I could scroll through hundreds of similar comments. I look back up at Goody who has a blank, tired expression on his face. 

"I'm sure the comments will go away soon once people get bored. Besides, it looks like Joe has a girlfriend now so maybe they'll leave you alone and pester him about it," I say trying to seem optimistic.

"But it's not just the comments. It's you too."

Not sure how to take what he just said I ask, "What's that supposed to mean?"

He laughs slightly looking back up at me, "You haven't even realized it? These past few days when all the rumors about Joe and his 'girlfriends' came out you haven't stopped checking your phone to stay updated. Last night when we were all out at Sugar Fish I saw you constantly checking your phone going on that stupid 'messymonday' account and refreshing their feed. I saw you checking his account seeing if he posted anything out of the norm. You can't even see how you're acting but I can. Recently you've been more worried about what's happening with him and his relationships then your own."

Not giving me anytime to process and respond to what he said he continues, "All of the constant negative comments and how you've been acting lately is just too much. You're probably going to think I'm weak and quitter but I honestly don't want to deal with this anymore."

Shocked, I can't get myself to make a sound or move from this bench. I'm waiting for the words "happy early April fools!" or "just kidding!", but they don't come. After what feels like an hour of silence, Goody starts to get up. 

"Look you're amazing but I'm not the one for you." He starts to walk away but turns back around to say, "I also think you should talk to Joe. After watching that Comic-con interview I sort of feel bad for him."

And then he left.

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