Chapter 16

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(A/N) Thank you guys so much for being so patient with me. I know I haven't updated this in years, thing have been really, really rough. But I'm here, I'm still writing, and I'm hoping I can keep going.


 I couldn't stop my thoughts from spinning. The words running through my head were enough to make go into full self-destructive mode. My nails had torn apart my arms, my knuckles were bleeding from the hole in the wall right next to my head, and I didn't even want to think about how much hair I had pulled out.

I was having a complete mental breakdown.


*****4 days earlier*****



"Get in the bathroom now!"

I sighed heavily and rolled my eyes before throwing my legs over the bed and standing up. I had no idea what my mother wanted, but I was exhausted. I had managed to sneak back through my window the night before, after spending several hours with Jason, but didn't manage to fall asleep until about four in the morning. It was now seven, and I was dreading going to school.

When I stepped inside the bathroom I was greeted by a very annoyed looking mother. I cocked an eyebrow, extremely confused. "Yes?" I asked,

"Get on." She replied.

I was too tired for this. "Get on what? What are you talking about?"

Her finger violently pointed down to something on the floor. When my eyes followed, I wanted to scream at her. Was she serious? Why was she doing this now? I didn't understand. "Why?"

I think I struck a nerve, because I swear I saw her eye twitch. "Why? Why!? Look at you! Is it not obvious? You must've gained at least fifteen pounds! All that time spent at Milly's I bet! Do you two just sit around eating junk all day? Get the hell on the scale now!"

Her words instantly woke me up, and I couldn't help but feel incredibly vulnerable. How could she say something like that? My gaze trailed down to my stomach that was covered by a thin sweater. Was she right? What if I was just bloated? When was my next period supposed to happen? Oh God I do look bigger. Oh my god she's going to kill me.

I shook the thoughts from my head and hesitantly stepped onto the scale. The number fluctuated for a few seconds before finally coming to a halt. I wanted to shrink away into the corner when I saw what it had said. She was right. I had gained at least five pounds. But was five pounds really such a big deal? To me, no. But to my mother, well, that was a different story. At least it wasn't fifteen pounds.

"I knew it! Absolutely disgusting, Lillian. Well, you're going to learn. If you don't drop ten pounds in two weeks, you'll be in so much trouble." My mom seethed.

My eyes grew wide as I stared at her. "Ten? But I only gained five!" I cried.

"You should've thought about that before you gained anything! Now get to school, no breakfast!"

I watched my mom storm out of the bathroom before plopping down on the side of the tub. Burying my face in my hands, I felt tears start to sting my eyes. How was I going to do this? Her words made me feel so repulsive. What was I going to tell Jason?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2017 ⏰

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