Chapter 9

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Whoo, two chapters in one day! Careful of the point of view change! Enjoy :)


-------Jason's(Mr. Matthews) POV-------

Lillian was unlike any other girl I had met. She was delicate, fragile, vulnerable, but somewhere deep down, I knew she was strong. She had fight left in her from dealing with so much. Her smile never seemed to reach her eyes, which was painful to see. I knew she could achieve so much more, but she needed help realizing that. I wanted to be the one to help her.

As she was snuggled on my lap with my arms around her, I couldn't help but run my fingers through her hair. Lillian was someone who needed guidance that was accompanied by love, but not what her mother was giving her. I knew nothing about her father, but only guessed he was the same.

I'd be able to give her that and so much more if she let me. Lillian was stubborn to no end, probably from building walls around herself. She was someone who wanted to be told what to do, but not to the complete extent. She lacked so much control in her life, so without it she'd feel powerless. However, with my help and care, things would be so much better for her.

Small pitter patter came from inside the kitchen, and I knew all too well someone was coming to say hello. "Do you like dogs?" I asked, finally breaking the silence.

Lillian seemed to perk up at my question. "I love dogs. Do you have one?"

As if to answer her question, Clyde came strolling into the living room and up to the couch. His tongue dangled from his mouth while his tail wagged at full speed. "He's friendly, don't worry."

I didn't need to tell her twice, for after my words Lillian was on the ground and petting Clyde's head. He seemed to be enjoying her company, and even took a chance to lick her on the cheek. Her soft giggle filled my ears, making me smile. "I think he likes you." I said.

She looked up at me with a wide grin, one that could light up a whole room. "He's so cute!" She squealed.

I chuckled at her response. "You should smile like that more often, you know." I suggested.

She stole another glance at me, but only for a millisecond before she turned her attention back to Clyde. "What's his name?" She asked.

"Clyde." I told her.

"Hi, Clyde. You're so cute, you know that? Yes you are!" I couldn't help but roll my eyes at her tone. Almost everyone I knew, including myself, talked to animals that way.

I made a clicking noise with my tongue, which alerted Clyde. Strolling over to me, he sat down in front of my legs. "Hey, that wasn't nice, meanie!"

I furrowed my eyebrows at Lillian. "Meanie?"

"Yup, that's what you are." She said matter-of-factly.

I smirked at her response. "I have something to discuss with you, and I thought it would be difficult with Clyde being a distraction."

Her body stiffened a little at my words. "Why do you look frightened?" I asked.

She shrugged her shoulders and looked down at her feet. "I'm not."

Standing up, I reached down and gently pulled her to her feet. "I know a lie when I hear one, Lillian." I said.

Her eyes flickered up to me for a second before looking away. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Look at me." I ordered, but in a soft tone.

Finally her eyes met mine and stayed there. "What did you want to talk about?" She asked.

I brought her closer, snaking my arm around her waist and pulling her to my chest. My finger trails along her cheek, rubbing gently before going down and massaging her neck. She flinched at first, but then leaned into it. Without hesitation, I brought my fingers along her shoulder, then slid them down until I reached her hand. Grasping onto it, I brought her hand behind her back, then took a step forward, now pushing her against the wall. I listened as her breathing hitched, but she didn't look frightened anymore.

"Your paper." I said nonchalantly, but allowed a smirk to form itself.

Lillian gasped and nervously looked away, her cheeks becoming a light pink. I was done beating around the bush this time. Trailing my free hand up, I dug my fingers through her hair, then pulled gently. A soft moan escaped her lips as she looked up to me. "What's there to discuss?" She asked quietly, but still open to what I was going to say.

"Your opinion." I said, leaning in closer.

"Why?" She asked innocently.

"I can do things that'll make you feel so much better. Better than hurting yourself. Better than locking yourself in your mind while your thoughts run free. How does that sound?" I asked, lowering my head a little and letting my breath linger along her neck.

I could feel her squirm a little, and I knew why. A smile of satisfaction spread across my lips. "I don't know." She whispered.

"I want to show you something." I said to her, then turned around, releasing my grip. "Follow me."

I knew by showing her what I had in mind, it was either make or break. If she accepted everything that was about to be presented to her, then we could begin something I knew she wanted. Something I knew she craved for, and something I wanted to be a part of.

I walked towards the hallway that spun off of the living room. There were several doors being passed, all open a crack except for one. Stopping at that, I opened it and put my arm out. "After you." I gestured.

Lillian gave me a curious look, but turned to the basement anyway. I flicked the stairway light, allowing her to make her way down the carpeted steps in a slow motion. When she was far enough down, I took a step in and shut the door behind me, then continued to follow her.

There weren't many steps, but the slow pace made it seem like there were. Once to the bottom, darkness engulfed our vision. I could sense the uneasiness coming from her small body. "No need to worry, my dear." I assured her, then flicked on the lights.

-------Lillian's POV-------

When the lights turned on, I had to squint my eyes for a few seconds so they could adjust. When I opened them fully, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. The room was huge. A large bed resided in the far corner, covered in a black and red comforter with several pillows, big and small, placed neatly on it. That was the least surprising, though. Next to the bed, dozens of implements hung on hooks. Several different paddles, whips, belts, canes, and straps stared back at me, but I didn't find them intimidating. If anything, I could feel my body begging to feel them.

As my eyes continued to scan the room, they landed on a bench looking thing. I had never seen it or read about it, so I was curious. Small restrains were woven onto it, but I didn't ask. I wasn't done looking. Chains hung from the ceiling and several bundles of rope lied on a regular, square table, accompanied with what seemed like different types of gags. I gulped slightly and stepped forward, taking everything in. There was another door off to the side, clawing at my curiosity.

I walked over to it and slowly twisted the door handle. It led to another room that wasn't carpeted at all. It seemed like an unfinished basement, and I shivered slightly as my feet touched the cold ground. I knew Jason was right behind me, so I walked all the way in and turned on the light. The room was smaller, but still quite large in comparison to normal basements. What confused me wasn't the small desk, wooden chair, or the x shaped table, but the dungeon, or prison-like cell that took up half the room.

Before I could say anything, arms wrapped around my body and turned me around. "I had no idea you were into this kind of stuff, Jason." I said softly.

"This is where you call me Sir."

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