Chloe Paul is Jake and Logan Paul's 17 year old little sister but she moves to la to live with Jake will team 10 find out about her secret and will she fall in love?
Today is the day of the Custody hearing and I am scared about it. I could lose my child today even though my lawyer is confident that it won't happen.
I am currently getting Aubrey and myself ready for the hearing today.
Chloe's outfit
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Aubrey's outfit
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Aubrey's shoes
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After about an hour my mom and I drove over to where the hearing was being held and met up with the guys.
" Let's go inside" I tell them as I take Aubrey's carseat carrier out of the car and Nathan grabbed my hand and we all walked into the court room
As we walked into the court room I saw Ryan and his parents sitting with him and his lawyer.
" Okay. Mr. Ryan and Ms. Chloe we are hear to talk about the Custody arrangement of baby Aubrey" the judge tells us
" Who has custody of the child now?" The judge asks
" That would be me, your honor" I tell the judge
" Has your ex had any contact with baby Aubrey?" He asks me
" No. He has not" I tell him
" And why is that an d give the full version" he tells me and I nod
" When I found out that I was pregnant I told my parents and then I told him and he didn't think about this at all. He told me that he wanted nothing to do with the baby and so when I was 6 months pregnant he signed away all of his parental rights and his parents signed as his witnesses and the same with my parents. He wasn't there for the months that I was pregnant and he wasn't there when I gave birth he showed up at my doorstep when she was 2 months old claiming that he wanted to be apart of her life but he later admitted to me in front of my brother's that he just wanted to make it big in Hollywood." I tell the judge giving the bailiff the papers that I have as evidence
" Mr. Ryan, Is any of wait Ms. Chloe told the court true and let me remind you you are under oath ?" The judge asks Ryan
" Yes. It is all true" he tells the judge
After a few minutes of looking at the papers that I gave him he handed them to the bailiff to give to me.
" I have made my decision. Ms. Chloe will be rewarded with full custody of baby Aubrey " he says and hits the gavel on the desk
A few minutes later we are outside the courthouse and everyone are in the cars except for Nathan and I.
" Do did amazing baby" he tells me holding my hands in his
" I couldn't have done it without you. I love you" I tell him and kiss him passionately
" Get in car love birds or we are leaving without you two!!!" Kade yells at us
" Come on let's go before they leave us behind " I tell him giving a peck on the lips and we walk to the car hand in hand
Nathan got in the car with the guys and headed back to my dad's house and Aubrey and myself and mom headed back to my mom's house.
" Are you okay, sweetheart?" My mom asks me
" Yeah. I am okay " I tell my mom
" I know you better than you think. What is really going through that brain of yours " my mom tells me
" I am happy. I am not going to lose my daughter and I am happy with Nathan " I tell my mom
" Well I am happy for you. You have been through so much and you are an amazing mother and you are happy with an amazing young man" my mom tells me
" I just want to be an amazing mother to my daughter like you have been to me " I tell my mom
" And you are. Chloe, you are stronger now then I ever was. You have been raising a 4 1/2 month old baby girl by yourself since day one you went through a 9 month pregnancy and a 19 hour labor by yourself and you almost lost custody of your child" my mom tells me
" I am a strong woman who is exactly like my mom and my daughter will be strong just like us" I tell my mom
" Your right. She will be strong" my mom tells me as we walk inside her house
I go upstairs and put Aubrey down for her nap and turn on the baby monitors and place one near the bed and I grab the other and take it downstairs with me.
My mom and I ended up watching a movie when Aubrey woke up from her nap and started to cry.
I go upstairs and pick her up and she calms down and puts her head on my shoulder.
I carefully go downstairs holding Aubrey in my arms.
I go sit on couch next to my mom who just smiles at me.
" Do you wanna go to Grandma?" I ask my little girl who starts to scream as I put my little girl in my mom's arms
My mom instantly passes me my daughter and I put her against my chest and I rub her back calming her down.
Today has been a roller coaster day. I almost lost my child to my Ex who wanted nothing to do with her from the start.
Thankfully I had the best support system that I ever could have asked for to be there for me when I needed them.