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Chloe's Pov:

I am 8 1/2 months pregnant with my son.

Today Nathan had to leave early to film for Jake and Kade.

My mom and my mother-in-law were out Shopping and then they were gonna go get lunch.

I am been having Braxton Hicks contractions all morning but I am not going to call Nathan.

I was upstairs putting away Laundry when my water broke.

I got a towel and cleaned up the mess and changed my pants so that way I wasn't covered in amniotic fluid.

I got my phone and I called Erika who was in Jake's room.

{ Phone Convo. E- Erika C- Chloe }

C- Erika, My water just broke.

E- okay. I am on my way.

{ End Phone Convo.}

Erika ran into my room and began to help me downstairs.

We made it to the kitchen and I decided to call Nathan and tell him that my water broke.

{ Phone Convo. N- Nathan C- Chloe }

C- Nathan, My water just broke.

N- Okay. I am on my way. I will be there soon

{ End Phone Convo. }

Nathan's Pov:

Today I had to leave early this morning with Jake and Kade.

After a few hours of filming my phone started ringing and I saw Chloe's name on caller ID.

I gave Jake the camera and answered the call.

" Nathan, My water just broke." Chloe tells me

" Okay. I am on my way. I will be there soon " I tell Chloe hanging up the phone

" Kade, give me your keys. I'm driving. Jake follow me in Blood shark" I say running to Kade's car

I get the keys in the ignition and I am buckled and I have the car started before Kade can even buckle his seatbelt.

I drive off while Kade films me.

After a 30 minute drive that should have taken us an hou we arrive at the house and as soon as the car is parked I am running into the house while Kade kisses the driveway.

I come running out of the house with Chloe's hospital bag. I toss her hospital bag into the backseat and help Chloe into the car while Kade Joins Jake in Blood shark.

30 minutes later we arrive at the hospital and I run inside.

" I need a wheelchair and a doctor. My pregnant wife is in labor!!" I tell the charge nurse

I run back outside to the car with a doctor with a wheelchair.

I toss Kade is car keys and run inside with Chloe and the doctor.

We are taken up to the labor and delivery ward where Chloe is set up in a room with monitors monitoring her and the baby.

30 minutes later Jake and Kade ran into the room while Chloe was breathing through a contraction.

The contraction finally ended after a few minutes a nurse came to check Chloe's cervix.

" You are 2 centimeters dilated, sweetheart and it seems that you have some more family in the waiting room would you like me to send them in?" She asks Chloe

" Yes" Chloe tells her

" You are doing fantastic babe " I tell Chloe after the nurse left

A few seconds later our parents and siblings came barging into the room all of them checking to make sure Chloe is okay

{ 5 hours later }

A nurse came in to check Chloe and told us that she is fully dilated and is ready to push

The doctor told me to stand next to Chloe and hold her hand and her foot while a nurse did the same thing.

" Okay Chloe. I need you to push really hard for me " the doctor tells Chloe who nodded her head

Chloe started to push. Push after push I watched my son being born.

" Okay Chloe, one more push. One more push and your little baby will be here " the doctor tells Chloe

" Arghhhhhhh!!!" Chloe screams while she pushes

After the baby is out we here a our little boy cry.

" Do you have a name for this little guy?" The doctor asks us after the delivery is over

" Carter Elliot Speiser " I tell the doctor the name Chloe and I chose for our son

After the birth certificate was signed our parents and siblings came into the room to finally get to see our newborn baby boy.

" He's so precious " my mom tells us looking at Carter

" What's his name?" Pam asked us

" Carter Elliot Speiser " Chloe tells Pam

" He is adorable " kade says

" Mom, do you want to hold him?" Chloe asks Pam

Pam eagerly nods her head yes. Chloe carefully transfers our newborn son into Pam's waiting arms.

Pam walked away with Carter in her arms along with my parents and Greg.

After a few minutes of chatting with our brothers I look over to Chloe to find her yawning trying to keep her eyes open.

" Get some sleep. We will still be here when you wake up" I tell Chloe kissing her forehead

I walk over to our parents with my brother and Jake and Logan behind me.

" Can I have my son back?" I ask my mom who is currently holding Carter

My mom transferred Carter from her arms to mine.

" I am an uncle " Kade says looking at Carter watching him sleep in my arms

Everyone crowded around me wanting to see Carter.

I lifted Carter up and kissed his head.

After a few hours our families decided to leave and go back to the house.

" Tell Chloe that we love her and that we will see her at the house when you guys are discharged" Greg tells me

" I will drop your car off. Congrats on Carter " Jake tells me

" Thanks Jake" I tell him

" I will see you at the house when Chloe and Carter are discharged" Kade tells me giving me hug being careful of my sleeping newborn son

Everyone leaves and It is just Chloe , Carter and I.

I put Carter in his bassinet and fell asleep on the chair next to Chloe's bed.

I am unbelievably happy. I have a beautiful wife and daughter and I just had a son.

I can't wait to see what life has in store for us in the future.

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