Come Angels of The Lord

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This is Party. Sonik left this, but I'm not really sure why. Um, its January 15th, 2018. I didn't realize how long this journal had been neglected. I'm not sure why I felt obligated to write in it. Maybe it's my need to finish a story. It seemed wrong to just leave it there. (I apologize in advance for my writing skills. I'm an illustrator, not a writer.)
We were attacked. It was sudden. She'd been writing that whole day and we barely noticed she was there. Towards the end of the afternoon, BL/Ind appeared and began shooting up the place. There's where she left off. She had to go, we all did.
I was in the dining room when they arrived, trying to lull The Girl to sleep. Sonik had told us the lullaby that would work, but you had to sing it soft, so I was trying. "Saints, protect her now. Come angels of the lord. Come angels of the lord.." I sang gently. My grandma used to sing that lullaby to Kobra and me when we were little.
Just as I was wondering where she could have learned the lullaby, BL/Ind pulled up. I noticed them out of the corner of my eye and jumped up. They couldn't get The Girl. I ran back to Sonik's room. The Girl was crying again, but somehow knew not to be loud. She really is special. I remember thinking that.
"You have to take her and get out!" I shouted over the sounds of the raid breaking into the diner. She shook her head at me.
"Sympathizer! Give The Girl to her and get her out! Run!" Sonik yelled back, pushing past me to the battle. For a moment I just stood there, holding the baby, unsure of what to do. She'd just given me orders. It was weird. I found Danna, the Sympathizer, and gently placed the baby in her arms.
"Run, take the car, get out! Hide where we showed you!" I told her. She nodded and scampered away with the baby. I had just barely turned to find a Drac in my face. "Fuck!" I snapped, not expecting him to be there. I grabbed the Drac's head and twisted his neck. I fought my way back into the dining room.
"Kobra!" I heard Sonik cry. I spun around just in time to see Sonik tackling him out of the way of an oncoming laser. I smirked and continued my fighting. I don't know what happened between Sonik and Kobra after that, but he didn't seem to hate her as much. I pushed my way out into the open air. There were more Dracs that we'd thought, but not too many to handle.
I could see Danna driving away with the baby, only to be chased by a BL/Ind car. She wasn't as skilled as we were. She was caught before she was even out of sight. I watched some officials take the baby and shoot Danna.
"Sonik!" I called back towards the Diner. She came bolting out the door, and I could tell she thought something was happening to me. I pointed out to the BL/Ind car. One of the officials was putting a Drac mask on Danna's dead body, and the other was holding the baby up in the air. I couldn't hear the crying, but I knew she was.
"No!" Sonik gasped, bursting forward toward the car. I tried to reach out and grab her, but she was too quick, so I ran. I followed her.
"Sonik, You'll never get out there before they drive off!" I shouted. Much to my surprise, however, the car began back this way. They were driving back to the battle. That meant one thing. I knew Sonik knew it too. Korse was at the Diner.
Sonik was deadly when she turned back to me. She began stalking back my way. I could tell she was angry and afraid all at once. I joined her on her trek back toward the skirmish, trying to talk her down. She worried me sometimes.
"He cannot get her. He will kill her, and she has to live!" Sonik reminded me urgently, frowning at me. She took a deep breath and disappeared into the fray. I shot wherever there was white. The skirmish lasted about an hour. When all of the Dracs were out or dead, we met in the dining room.
"Is everyone alright?" Fun Ghoul gasped, out of breath, but smiling with exhilaration.
"Danna's dead," I informed them. Jet frowned. I knew he would mourn her in his own way, but he rarely let his emotions get in the way of important moments.
"Where's Sonik?" he asked, looking between the other three faces in the room. I glanced around too. Male faces could just barely be seen in the fading light.
"Sonik?" I called out to the Diner. No answer. "Sonik?" I tried again. I flinched at the desperation that had leaked into my voice. I admit I didn't want her to be gone again, but I didn't want everyone else to know it was such a big deal.
"Korse," Kobra muttered, plopping down in a booth. The sun was going down. The lights were out, so the room was getting dark. I couldn't see my brother's face when he looked up at me. "He dragged her off. I'm sorry Party, I couldn't get to her in time," he explained, "She approached him and didn't even get to say a word before he whacked her upside the head with his raygun. She was unconscious, and he dragged her away."
"And The Girl?" Jet urged.
"Alive as I could see," Kobra replied. That was little consolation. She would be dead soon too. Heaven knew what would happen to Sonik.
"We have to get her back," I growled. I'd promised Sonik that I would protect the baby, and I knew Sonik would never forgive me if I didn't. She would prefer we go after the baby than go after her. There was unanimous agreement among the Killjoys.
"Let's go then!" Fun Ghoul cheered.
"Yeah!" Jet answered. The sun had gone down. I could only see their outlines in the dark, nodding and shifting on their feet. I glanced over where Kobra sat. The faint outline of my brother nodded as well.
"Let's go bring the girls home," he agreed. His plural use of the word was unmistakable. He trusted Sonik again. He wanted her back too, even if she was a BL/Ind agent.
I clapped in anticipation and began towards the car. I had multiple rayguns on me. I was ready to go. Jet stopped by the vending machine and hit the raygun button a couple times. A few rayguns came tumbling out. As we all trotted out to the car, Jet distributed them among the guys.
I was speeding. We were in Battery City in ten minutes, red lining it down the boulevards toward BL/Ind HQ. I could hear Fun Ghoul commenting on the vacancy of the streets.
"It's not that late.." he murmured, probably thinking out loud. No one else, however, returned his comment. As I came to the guard gate that separated Better Living Industries from the rest of Battery City, I didn't even bother to slow down. The measly arm they used as a gate wouldn't stand a chance against a red lining Trans-Am. The wood splintered around us as I drove straight through the crappy arm. Lasers zipped past my window as the guard shot at us, missing horribly.
"Are we just walking in?" Kobra asked me.
"Do you have another idea?" I growled. He didn't answer.
We stopped right up in front of the building, not bothering to be stealthy. I jumped out, ready to get in there and rid the world of some Dracs. I'm not sure why I was so emotional about it, but I was pissed. The moment we walked in, our presence was known. There were alarms going off and lights flashing.
It was the four of us against the thousands of Dracs that served BL/Ind. We were probably in over our heads, but at the time, I didn't care. I was ready to take them. We were about to rush in, when a civilian ran past me.
"What?" I gaped, halting, eyes wide. A civilian? The guy ran straight toward the Dracs, waving a raygun un the air. He probably had no idea how to shoot it properly. I was about to call after him when another ran past. I turned to see where they were coming from, and there was a crowd of them. Where they all had come from, I had no idea.
"Party, go find The Girl!" Kobra called, motioning me away, "We'll hold off here." I nodded, stepping backward towards a hallway that led somewhere into the depths of the BL/Ind. I ran down the hall, away from the battle.
I could hear Sonik somewhere down the hall. She was crying and shouting. Her words were unintelligible. Steadily, the sound of her voice grew louder and louder until I came across the room she was in. She was locked in a white room, banging against the walls like a crazy woman.
"Sonik!" I cried. She rushed the door, not noticing who it was. When she saw me she smiled and pointed to the door handle. I looked down and tried the handle. It twisted easily and I opened the door, freeing her. "Where did they take The Girl?" I asked her. She nodded down the hall and began running.
"I know they'll have to perform a certain ceremony in order to be rid of her without destroying everything.." she explained, "I know where he'll have taken her to do it."
I followed her around a couple corners and down a set of stairs. She burst into the room and growled at Korse and another woman in the room. The woman was Japanese with a stereotypical bob cut. She didn't look worried by the sight of us at all. She looked disinterested. I glanced down. She had The Girl in her arms, wrapped in black cloth. The Girl was crying.
"Do you know her?" I asked Sonik. The shock on her face answered my question before the shake of her head did. I pushed into the room and raised my raygun. I could hear the sounds of battle coming nearer as the Japanese woman laughed at me.
"Put down your toy gun, you'll never defeat me," she laughed. I didn't flinch, but Sonik did. I could feel her discomfort. And her anger.
"But she will!" Sonik snapped, flying forward to tackle the woman. The Girl cried out as the woman fell to the floor. I could hear Sonik apologizing as she picked up the baby, leaving the woman laying there. Korse fired a shot past my head to get my attention.
When I looked back at him, it was too late, the battle was bustling down the hallway. Through doors, leaking across Better Living Industries like spilled blood. The fighting had found its way to the room where we were. Sonik grabbed my hand and pushed through the crowd toward the main entrance, intent on getting out. The Girl had to live.
When we got back into the main lobby, she spotted Kobra and let go of my hand. I stopped running and stood amidst the chaos as she handed The Girl over to Kobra and pointed outside. He nodded, glanced at me, and then ran out toward the car.
I stared at Sonik as she turned to look back at me. She looked like she knew what she was doing. Hell, I didn't even know what I was doing. She looked to my right and broke into a run, pulling out her raygun. My thought to follow her gaze was too delayed. A BL/Ind official had targeted me and she was already jumping in the way.
Her laser shot straight through him, but his laser hit her as well. He dropped to the ground, dead. Sonik slid across the tiles, clutching her side and groaning in pain. What else could I do? She'd just saved my life. I ran over to her and tried to uncurl her arms from around herself.
"No, leave," she gasped, "Run. Go."
"I'm not leaving you here like this," I told her. I couldn't bare that on my conscience. She'd already been through so much, I couldn't leave her to this. I slid one arm behind her knees and one on her back, picking her up. She cried out as I did this, whether from pain or protest I didn't know.
"You'll never make it outside carrying me like this," Sonik scoffed, still holding her side and trying not to look helpless, "and we'll both die."
"Then we both die."
"Party! Stop this!" she shouted, wiggling. I knew that probably shot pain all through her, but she continued anyway. I knelt back down and let her rest on the floor. We were so close to the doors. I felt like we could have made it if I'd really tried. "Party, The Girl needs you more than I do. You promised to protect her. Go. Run. Get her safe and don't worry about me," Sonik ordered, one arm still wrapped around my neck.
"No buts! Run! Take care of her! I'll be fine," she lied. She let her hand drop to the floor, releasing me. She rolled back onto her back and shooed me off. "Go, idiot!" she snapped. I stood as the crowed swelled all around me. There were screams and more Dracs came rushing from every hallway. I felt something push at my ankle and looked down. Sonik was back up on her elbow, pushing at my leg. "Go!" she yelled.
So I went.
Kobra was in the car when I got there. Jet and Fun Ghoul were running up after me. We all got in the car and raced out as fast as we'd come in. I felt horrible the whole way to the diner. I'd left her there. I couldn't believe I had done that. Separated in a riotous crowd, just like before.
"We're just here to get supplies for hiding out. We can't stay here, they know where the diner is, and they want The Girl. We're taking her to the hideout," I informed everyone as I pulled up to the diner. I specifically stepped into the garage where Fun Ghoul had been working on the old-fashioned radio Sonik had found. I grabbed it without looking twice at the design he had pained on it. Within ten minutes, we were back in the car and on our way to the hideout. The hideout was a collection of caves that Sonik and I had found that day we almost got caught in the rain. They were large enough to live in and contained a hidden spring that dripped into a small pool constantly.
We stayed there for months. The battle at BL/Ind, apparently, was not the first attack. Sympathizers had taken matters into their own hands before. The incidents continued however, carrying into the city and the desert. Three of us at a time would go out and fight every so often. Luckily, all of us came back.
The battles came to be known as The Analog Wars, and they lasted for about one year.
One day, that year later as the wars were dwindling down and BL/Ind was regaining power, Kobra came to me and urged me to leave the hideout. I hadn't gone out there in some time. I was too busy taking care of The Girl, like I promised Sonik I would. The Girl had grown quick, eager to learn all about her surroundings. She was a handful, but I had begun to see how Sonik had cared for her.
"Party, we can take care of The Girl," Kobra insisted, "You should go and just get away. BL/Ind won't be patrolling for a while. They raided the diner. They think the deserts are clear." I frowned at him. I was just about to argue when The Girl ran past me and jumped up on my brother.
"Koba!" she exclaimed excitedly. She was always excited. I smiled a little and shrugged.
"If you've got her," I answered, leaving the sentence open for him to finish however he chose.
"We've got this," Kobra assured me, holding The Girl up in his arms, "Haven't we?" he asked her. She nodded, clapping her hands. I smiled at her and glanced at Kobra. My little brother was only eighteen, but her looked like a perfectly capable father with The Girl clinging to his shoulders like that. I sighed and nodded, smiling warily at the two of them.
"Take my bike," Kobra ordered. I frowned as he tossed me the helmet he'd grabbed from the diner a year ago, but did not protest. I squinted as I stepped out into the sun, bringing the helmet up over my head and positioning it to fit properly. I swung a leg over Kobra's motorcycle and fired up the engine. I could hear The Girl giggling from inside the hideout. I knew that at any moment, she would come bounding out to chase after the bike as I rode away.
"Bye bye!" she declared as she came tottering out of the caves. She was only two steps out of the hideout when I waved over my shoulder at her and sped off over the sand.
I didn't have the desire or motivation to go anywhere. Anywhere I went would remind me of the day I'd spent in the desert with Sonik. We stayed out of town. We used the radio as our connection to Battery City, playing Dr. Death Defying's music station day in and day out. It was all we had.
I was so wrapped up in my own thoughts that I almost missed the mass laying in the sand shaded by Frankenstein Crag. I glanced over my shoulder and turned the bike around. Whatever it was shook and moved as I drew close.
It was a person! The figure crawled away towards the rock and huddled against it. I paused nearby to try and see what I could do. Long hair hung about the person's face and across the white tank top that covered the torso. A familiar scrap was wrapped around the arm, just below an even more familiar hand-shaped scar.
"It can't be.." I muttered, jumping off the bike and yanking off my helmet. The motorcycle toppled to the side and cut off with an angry sputter. I dropped the helmet in the sand and knelt down next to the person. "Sonik?" I whispered, reaching out slightly. She looked up. It was her, but scratched and beaten. She flinched away from my hand at first and then realized who I was. She flung herself on me and held tight.
"You're alive!" she cried, squeezing around my neck.
"You're alive!" I mimicked, hugging her back around her waist. I could tell she was crying. Sobs shook her whole body. She was too skinny to be healthy. "What happened, Sonik? You were dying!"
She pulled away from me and leaned back against the rock. She began to explain about the woman in the room when they found Korse. That woman was the head of Better Living Industries. She controlled everything. Sonik closed her eyes momentarily, breathing heavy. Then her eyes shot open and she broke into a fit of coughing.
"I'm fine!" she choked, coughing, "They took me to a hospital and got me healed. She commanded it. And when I got back, they beat me. This isn't the first time I've run away. They've just always caught me before.." Sonik explained. When her coughing finally quieted, she looked up at me. "Party, I have to get out."

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