lucas imagine

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[ R E Q U E S T E D ]

prompt: could you please write about how the cast and i are all friends and one day we're at a bonfire all randomness, singing and amybeth gives me enough courage to finally admit to lucas that i like him only to find out he likes me back. so cheesy but adorable :) thank youuu

sorry if this sucks


"In honor of season two, I give you, HOT DOGS AND MARSHMALLOWS! Eat up brats!"

The warmth of the fire felt great on your skin considering how chilly it was tonight. In celebration of season two, the cast decided they wanted to have a bonfire and invite all of their closest friends.

You and Amybeth have been best friends since you were in diapers so she often invited you to cast functions or took you to set which meant you spent a lot of time with the cast and got very close with everyone, but there was one person in particular that you clicked with right away.


"Amybeth, Lia, Kyla, would you all do us the greatest pleasure and sing us a song?" Jacob asked.

Lia rolled her eyes playfully and jogged over to Amybeth's bag and pulled out her ukulele. "C'mon, let's recreate the riptide cover!" Kyla jumped up excitedly.

Hours went by, full of laughter and pure joy. Glenna and Jacob danced together horrendously and eventually you joined them. Not caring how ridiculous you all probably looked, being too caught up in the moment to care.

The moon shined down on you all, it was probably around twelve am, but none of you were tired. Too excited and happy to even think about sleeping just yet.

You sat contently on a log by yourself, just watching your friends and admiring how wonderful they all were in their own individual ways. You spotted Lucas from the corner of your eye. He was off on his own, laying down on a blanket, staring up at the beautiful night sky.

"You should go talk to him."

"Hmm?" You turned and met eyes with Amybeth. She chuckled and sat down beside you.

"He talks about you a lot, you know. How sweet and cute he thinks you are." She smirked. You blushed deeply, and despite how dark it was outside, your crimson cheeks were very noticeable.

"No he doesn't. A-and even if he does, he just likes me as a friend." You said quietly, reassuring yourself that your relationship with him would only ever be platonic...even if you did want want something more, you were positive it would never happen.

Amybeth groaned in frustration. "C'mon Y/N! I know how you feel about Lucas and I know how he feels about you." She stood up and kneeled down in front of you.

"Just go for it." She whispered.

You sat quietly, your mind went over all the possible ways telling Lucas how you felt could go wrong. You cared about him too much to lose him, but you hated the thought of hiding how you really felt.

You looked down at Amybeth and gently pulled her in for a quick hug and thanked her. You stood up and hesitantly made your way over to Lucas.

'Just go for it.' You thought to yourself. 'If I don't do this now I'll regret it forever. I need to be honest with him, and I need to do this for myself.'

"Hey, Lucas." You smiled down at him as you took the empty space next to him and laid down.

"Hi", He smiled softly and turned on his side to face you.

"I need to tell you something...but, first I just want you to know that it's totally okay if you don't feel the same way I just...I-"  Lucas looked at you, clearly puzzled and concerned.  He sat up and gently grabbed your hand and held it. You sat up nervously, your heart was pounding, it nearly felt like it was going to explode.

'Just say it.'

"I like you."

You couldn't even look at him. He wasn't saying anything, all you could hear was the crackling from the fire and the distant laughter of your friends which suddenly felt very loud.

'Say something. Please say something.'

He let go of your hand and placed his hands on both sides of your face. He rubbed his thumb gently across your cheek and pulled your face closer to his.

"I know," he whispered, "I like you too." He kissed the top of your head softly and then leaned in a bit more, your noses were touching and his lips brushed yours for a second before you heard someone calling you.

"Y/N! Come check this out!"  You chuckled, you and Lucas pulled apart.

"Guess you better go." Lucas smiled.

"Yeah yeah, c'mon."

wtf this is horrible and it LITERALLY took me a year to write it omg.
i forgot who requested this ahh

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