when they have a crush on you [cast]

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- flirts a little with you
- really takes the time to get to know you
- puts so much effort into planning a day where you guys hangout
- texts you the cute heart/loving memes
- makes jokes about dating you and playfully holds your hand
- looks at you like she misses you so much

- texts you good morning everyday with a "😊" along with it
- finds any excuse to touch you (not in the sexual way! like he brushes your arm, your hands touch, ect)
- calls/facetimes you a lot
- teases you playfully
- takes pictures of you when you aren't looking
- looks at you lovingly :,)

- invites you over to her house a lot
- takes a lot of silly photos with you
- makes you your favorite foods
- always sneaking glances at you when you aren't looking
- is a bit shy around you
- she blushes a lot and giggles
- looks at you like she wants to jump into your arms

- makes corny jokes
- always inviting you over to watch romantic comedies with her
- kind of gets hyper when she's with you
- sends you pick up lines
- she ain't subtle at ALL
-  always being extra silly when she's around you
- is actually really self conscious tho^ because she wants you to like her
- looks at you passionately

- doesn't know how to act around you
- a nervous wreck
- he's so shy and kind of avoids you at first
- eventually he started talking to you and you guys got really close
- plays with your hair sometimes
- literally all he wants is to just hug you and never let go
- looks at you like he wants to protect you 

boom gorl lemme hit you with a random update

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