they randomly kiss you [cast]

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changed it a lil bit but [REQUESTED]

- she couldn't help it, you were just being so cute
-y'all were reading lines together at her house, in her bedroom
- " wa-was that in the script?"
"oh, um, well maybe it should be"
- it was actually a really long but gentle kiss

- this botch was tryna be slick but he frickin bumped heads with you when he was moving in
- "i meant to do that, StOp lAughIng"
- you guys were hanging out at the library
- you got kicked out for laughing so loudly
- since the first attempt was a fail, he went in for a second time after you guys left and it was a success
- felt so nature, he cupped your face and it was really sweet and cute ahhHhHhhH

- you both actually kissed each other at the same time
- y'all were on a date omf
- " can we do that again?"
- it was so gentle and quick
- you were blushing the whole time
- so smol and pure you guys are adorable

- it was at a party with the cast
- was an accident at first but you guys just went with it lmao
- "your face is on my face"
"i know, it's nice isn't it?"
- kinda awkward and silly but it was nice

- you were rambling on and on about something and he wasn't even paying attention, the whole time he was just thinking about kissing you (so he did)
- you were s h o o k
- "not that i didn't like that, but you could've just told me to shut up if i was talking too much"
- what a goof ball he was just smiling the whole time
- kind of rough but really loving and cute

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