Chapter 1

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At one particular family's house on Christmas Eve~  

A father and his two daughters were decorating the Xmas tree while the mother was in the kitchen preparing Xmas Eve dinner, plus taking care of her two twin babies at the same time.

The oldest daughter, who always liked to dress fancy just like her mom used to, was rummaging through one of the Xmas decoration boxes when she pulled out a little stuffed toy that looked like a hairy green monster dressed in a Santa suit.

"Eek!" The little girl shrieked as she picked up the ugly doll out of the box, in disgust looking at it. "Daddy, why is this hideous thing in the Christmas decoration box?"

Her father came over and had a look at the ugly doll, soon smiling in remembrance of something. He also noticed how his daughters had been getting a bit crazy with Christmas lately, thinking it was all about the presents, lights, food, Santa Claus, etc. 

"I think it's time you girls learned about the true meaning of Christmas" The father told his daughters while he sat down in a chair. 

"Yay, story time!" The younger daughter, who wore overalls cheered and clapped her hands. 

The mother then came into the living room with the two baby boys in each of her hands, putting dinner on pause and sat down next to her husband. 

The father got out a familiar Dr Seuss book from the bookshelf, only he and his wife would be telling their version of this special story to their kids of how it happened to them. The two little girls not knowing that their parents where very different people back then.  

17 years earlier~

Teenagers Kali, Teeders, David, and the rest of the gang had recently gotten out of school for winter break. 

It was snowing lightly outside as the friends gathered at Kali's house, up in her room while they were talking about their plans for Christmas. 

"I can't wait for my family's Xmas eve dinner. We're having ham" David said, which was his favorite part of the holidays. 

"Oh, David" Ann lightly slapped him on the shoulder, annoyed with her friend.

"Ooh, it's time for gift exchanging!" Cynthia squealed in excitement, which Secret Santa was her favorite part of the holidays. 

The gang started exchanging gifts to each other. 

"I got these for the dalmatians" Brock showed the gang the new collars he got for him and his sister's pets.

"This is for you Kali" Teeders gave Kali a big box wrapped in red paper. 

"Aw thanks Tee, i'll open it later" Kali smiled while she placed her present on her desk. 

Soon Kali looked down to see the crystal around her neck started flashing with it's glow. 

"You're crystal's glowing" Ann pointed out to her sister. 

"Which means we have a mission" Brock added.

"Yeah, what else is new?" Cynthia rolled her eyes, annoyed. 

"It's saying we're all needed in a place called... Whoville?" The Adventure Girl told the gang, since Kali could telepathically communicate with her crystal. 

"Whoville?" the rest of the gang looked at each other mumbling, while seeming puzzled. 

"But wait there's more. We have to help someone known as... The Grinch" Kali said, which caused the gang to gasp slightly.

"The Grinch?! As in, Thee Grinch?!" the twins asked. 

"I thought that was just a story" said Ann. 

"Since when is anything just a story to us?" David said sarcastically.

"Yeah, besides think of all the experiences we've had on our past adventures" Teeders added. 

"What's a Grinch anyway?" The twins asked. 

"He's a... well... I'm not exactly sure what he is. All I know is that he's green and extremely hairy" Kali replied. 

Cynthia cringed in disgust just thinking about the Grinch, before Kali continued "If we're going to help we have to leave now".

"NOW!? but Christmas is in 2 days!" Cynthia proclaimed. 

"So, that should give us plenty of time" Teeders told her hyperactive friend.

"Listen, did we decline to help Jerry when he was stuck in that cavern and being chased by a pack of rabid wolves?" Kali asked the others. 

"Who's Jerry?" the rest of the gang asked, confused.

"My point is after all we've been through and the adventures we've gone on, you better believe we can help the Grinch" Kali told the gang, in her not so bright speeches. 

"Kali's right. After all there's nothing we can't do" Teeders added while putting her hand over Kali's shoulder, always sticking by her best friend's side.

"Alright then, lets go!" the gang agreed. 

As always they gathered up their backpacks and supplies, getting ready for their mission/adventure. 

"Hey!" David turned to Kali. "Do you think Ginger would want to come?" he asked, about Kali's chicken sidekick companion joining them on this adventure. 

"Nah" Kali replied. "She told me she has plans for the holidays back on the island".  

The gang soon joined hands together while Kali used her crystal to open the magic portal, sending them straight to Whoville.

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