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Monday 17th December 2016
[ 쪽지 // 진영 ]

It was after basketball practice, Jinyoung was getting dressed, his clothes drenched in a pool of sweat on the bench beside him. He dabbed his head with a hand towel as well as ruffling his hair to dry it. The boy pulled a fresh shirt over his head, pulling his trousers up a few seconds after. He placed his shoes on and grabbed his bag, stuffing the towel in it before closing his locker. He greeted his teammates a 'goodbye' before leaving the boys' changing room.

On his way towards the school's sports hall, he passed the trophy case, noticing a piece of paper crumbled on the floor. Something inside of him was tugging at him towards it except the same something was also telling him to leave it. After a massive debate – which included a lot of 'don't pick it up and just leave' and a lot of 'pick it up, pick it up.' – he bent down and picked up the piece of paper, slowly unfolding it just in case it would rip. On it wrote:

Hi person who's been giving me notes. Thank you for the notes and yes, for your information, I do keep your notes, I haven't thrown one away yet. Yet. Anyways, I hope that answers your question. Have a nice day whoever you are...

~ Hwang Nari.

Jinyoung's eyes widened, she actually keeps them? She actually made an effort to read the scribbled part... but why did she make an make an effort to read it? For all I know, someone could've thrown it in the bin or kept it. Without a second thought, he stuffed the note in his pocket and took out his own note, making adjustments to it as he walked towards the front of the school.

Thanks for the reply...


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"Remember to read and answer the questions on pages 98 and 164."

Nari nodded and thanked the teacher. She swung her bag onto her shoulder and slid the door shut behind her, walking towards her locker. She opened it up, seeing the one thing she wanted to see after a long day of school - the note. It fluttered down like a feather onto the floor, like usual, she bent down to pick it up, a warm feeling bubbling up inside of her. As she read the note, a wide grin appeared on her face, the warm feeling increased to the point where she started running around in circles, fangirling to herself.

He found the note. She thought to herself, he actually read it.. I feel so happy gahwndjqnr.

She started to make her way towards the front of the school, her footsteps breaking the silence in the empty corridors. She kept her eyes on the note, the bubbly feeling still present.

The gentle, muffled, drumming of the raindrops banged against the roof. She groaned and stuffed the precious note in her blazer pocket. She took out an umbrella from her bag, unfolding it but stopped when she saw a boy waiting by the entrance.

Bae Jinyoung, his name instantly rang through her head.

"Um... Bae Jinyoung," just the mention of his name sent butterflies in her stomach, again, "what are you still doing here?" She asked as she got closer to him.

He turned towards her, his soft brown eyes on her, "had basketball practice and got caught up by the rain."

"Wow, why didn't you go with your friends then?"

He averted his eye back outside, he didn't answer. She assumed he didn't have a good reason so she just chuckled, leaving the subject alone.

"Where do you live? I've got an umbrella, if you want I can walk you home."

He rubbed the back of his neck, flustered, "um.. I live by the corner shop near school."

Nari nodded, she thought back to the time when she was almost late for class because of that same corner shop, "good, I live near there too. I don't have to walk too far, hopefully." She continued to unfold the umbrella, opening it up afterwards, "come on," at that she lifted it up over head, stepping out of the shelter and into the rain, the sound of the pitter-patter no longer muffled but a clear, crisp sound. It was also a lot heavier than she thought it was.

Jinyoung stepped out after her and into the little bit of shelter they had. The two were very close together making the atmosphere very awkward.

Nari cleared her throat, "sorry if it's a bit small.. anyways, let's go because I don't want to be here any longer."

The two stepped in unison, side by side, trying desperately to stay dry without bumping into each other.

This is so awkward.. but why do I still feel so giddy... I hate myself. Wait a moment, "Yah! Why is it always me giving you things?! First it was the water bottle, then it was lunch and now shelter from the rain! You know, you owe me someday..."

Jinyoung chuckled uncomfortably, "I promise I'll make it up to you someday okay... I'll treat you to ice-cream or something."

The girl thought about it, ice-cream.. hmm....

A day with Jinyoung..


A day with Jin-

Shut up.

"Deal. I'll remind you if you seem to forget it. Actually... can I have your number?" As soon as she said that, she incredibly regretted it. She could vision her ears, now the shade of blood red.

Jinyoung chortled, clearly noticing her ears, "s-sure, y-you can have my n-number." He turned red.

It was Nari's turn to laugh, his stutter had caused him to blush furiously followed by him going quiet. After a long silence, only the sound of the rain and cars driving past was heard, Nari and Jinyoung exchanges numbers, still slightly flustered about earlier.

"Bye," the two greeted each other, their hearts content as they went their separate ways.

A/N: whooooo! Double chapter, check
They exchanged numbers cause why not? Plus I wanted to speed things up a bit hehehehe. This chapter was so bad.. ugh lol, sorry guys ://

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