Chapter 2 - While you were Asleep

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Gerald called out her name as he runs after her. She is walking, heading across the other side of the street.

"Saraaaahhhhh!!!!", he exclaimed. But it seems she can’t hear nor see anything, as if her soul was detached away from her body, lost and wandering:


“How can he do this to me?” Sarah asked herself.

“Anong nagawa kong pagkakamali para saktan mo ako ng ganito?

“Mahal na mahal kita. You’re all that I have… pero bakit?”, her mind full of questions, her heart full of anguish.

“Ang daya mo! Ang daya-daya mo!”

“You promised me. We made a promise that whatever happens, you will always be there for me, that we will always be together”, she cried as she painfully remembers his promise, their pinky promise.

“Bakit kailangan mo akong papaniwalain na mahal mo ako, na mahal mo rin ako?”

Everything is still clear to her, what had happened that night. How can she ever forget, when it was the end of the world for her, when he said he has somebody else? She thought it’s another joke from him. She thought he’s just making fun of him again but his next words strucked her, crushed her, tormented her.

She was not prepared for it.

She can still remembers every single word he uttered, clearly remembers his voice as he spoke every word. Each word feels like an arrow directly shot at her heart: “Hindi kita mahal Sarah, naaawa lang ako sa’yo”.

She died a thousand times.

“Hindi mo na ba talaga ako mahal kaya mo ako iniwan?”, she pities herself.

No! She doesn’t believe that! She can’t accept it! It’s just a dream, a bad dream. It’s just a joke right? A very bad joke he made just to piss her off and he will come back again, everything will be back to the way it used to be...that’s what she wants to believe up until now but the pain in her chest says otherwise. No! She can’t accept it!

Please tell me how to accept it? When you thought you’ve found the happiness you’ve been waiting for all your life, it will just be taken away from you just like that? When the only person you have all your life, the only person you love with all your heart, walked away from you?

Please tell me how to accept it? Please tell me how to go on, to start all over? How?

It was so painful. I can't bear it anymore....

“Bakit Idan? Bakit mo nagawa sa’kin to?”


Gerald ran as fast as he could, shoving people in the street. He needs to get to her now!

The traffic light turns green.

And in just a split second, he saw his worst nightmare come true with his very own eyes.



"It can't be! Not her! Noooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!", these thoughts screaming out of his head as he ran towards her.

Everything happened so fast... the fast approaching car; the deafening screams; different faces in shock; people beginning to surround her; Two, three, four people calling for an ambulance.

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