Part 21

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As i laid down curled up in bed i was thinking about what might happen later

What if i really am pregnant?

What would i do?

Im just a teenager i cant have a child!!

I don't want Luke's baby. I don't even know why i dated him. Or why i stayed with him when he did all that shit to me. Why me? Why did this happen to me?

My thoughts were interrupted when i felt an arm around my waist and a head on my chin.

"Hey baby" Justin said in a soft tone. I gave him a weak smile and turned back to look at the wall.

"Justin?" I said waiting for his response.

"Yeah?" He asked

"What am i gonna do? I cant have a child, I'm just a teenager" i said hiding my face in my hands.

"I don't know baby, but I'm gonna be there for you, I'm gonna help you. If your pregnant you wont be going through this alone" he said planting a kiss on my cheek.

"Should we tell them?" I asked looking back at him.

"Ummm, i don't know, i really don't want to worry them but its your decision not mine" he said

"Ok" i said getting off the bed.

"Come on" i held out my hand and he grabbed it, getting off the bed. He interlocked our fingers and we went down stairs. Everyone was in the living room talking so this is the time to warn them.

"Mmhmm" Justin cleared his throat getting everyones attention.

"Hey sweetie" Pattie said

"Something wrong?" She asked

"Umm" i said

"Justin and I will be going to a doctors appointment in a couple of minutes" i said. Everyone looked at us worried.

"Well are you ok? Whats wrong?" Ryan asked.

"I haven't been feeling good lately. When i wake up i went to the bathroom and threw up and--" i was cut off by my mom

"Are you pregnant?" My mom asked

"Justin, did you two have sex already?" Pattie asked kinda angry

"No no we haven't mom trust me, we are going to the doctors to figure out if she is" he said calming her down a bit.

"Why dont you just take a pregnancy test? Like the ones you buy at the store?" Chaz asked

"Because i want to have a good answer, i trust the doctor more than a little stick in a box" i said

"Ok call us when you know ok?" Scooter said

"Ok" i smiled at how much they care, no one yelled, but pattie was pretty close to it.

Justin and i left the house and got in his car. He held my hand the whole ride there. Once we got there we walked inside and checked in. We sat down in the waiting room and then a doctor came out.

"Mr.Bieber?" The doctor said. We got up and walked over to him.

"Hello Mr.Bieber im Dr. Lopez and this is Ariana right?" He asked shaking both our hands.

"Right" Justin said

"Alright come with me" we walked behind the doors and went to a room. I sat on the bed thing and he checked my stomach with this type of Gel. He looked at the machine and then turned it off. I sat up and waited for his response as he took off his gloves.

"Ok Ariana, your not pregnant" he said. I took a big sigh of relief. THANK YOU JESUS.

"So why has she been throwing up?" Justin asked

"I think you have a stomach virus" he said

"Where did i get it from?" I asked

"It could have been traveling in the air and you caught it" he said

"Ok so now what?" I asked

"Im going to give you a pill to take. Your stomach virus is small so this should help" he said handing me the pill.

"Thank you" i said as i took the pill and we walked out of the room. Now i just have to call the family.

As we got in Justin's car i dialed Christians number.

"Ariana what happened" he asked

"Im not pregnant i just have a stomach virus" i said happily

"YEESSSS, your not having that demons kid" he said, i chuckled at his answer.

"Alright ill see you when we get back, bye" i said

"Bye" he said and hung up.

Im so happy i cant stop smiling. I was worried for nothing and the best part is that even if i was pregnant Justin was gonna stay by my side through it all.

"I love you" i said looking at him

"I love you more" he said taking our interlocked hands and kissing the back of my hand.



Thank you all for reading this. I cant thank you enough.

If she got pregnant it would ruin what i have planned for this story.

Anyway you guys are so cute, your all very into this(: and i love your comments

Dont forget to read my other stories and comment and vote for them pretty please☺️

QOTD: whats your dream?

Answer: my dream is to be a singer, have sold out arena's and have fun.

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