Part 23

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{AN: im so sorry that i kept wanting to delete and continue and delete and continue... Recently ive been busy with school. Im a sophomore this year👏👏💁 lol but i have x2 hw and i have bowling practice after school and stuff so its hard. Im gonna skip a year later on this update only because i have an idea for this and i dont wanna write other stuff leading up to it so just bare with me}

I walked into the studio and saw scooter and Alfredo outside the door. I decided to come visit Justin in the studio.

"Ariana, hey what are you doing here?" Scooter asked giving me a half hug.

"I came here to visit Justin, is he to busy?" I asked.

"Umm just a little bit" Fredo said looking nervous. Weird...

"Well then ill just say hi and go do some stuff" i said while opening the door.

"Wait no Ariana" scooter said but it was to late. I saw what was happening right in front of my eyes. It all makes sense now. Him acting so weird around me lately. Constantly at the studio working on "music". Not calling me baby anymore. Barley even touching me anymore. This is where everything falls into place. The funny part is, is that i have no tears, only anger raging inside of me. Im about to blow.

"JUSTIN" i yelled causing him to catch his breath from his little make-out session with Selena.

"A-Ariana i-its not what its looks like" he stuttered. I don't even bother looking at Selena. I always hated her and i would expect her to cheat. But not Justin, not my Boyfriend... Not my Bestfriend...

"Oh really Justin? Then what was it? Were you sucking poison out of her THROAT? HUH? PLEASE EXPLAIN TO ME WHAT IT WAS BECAUSE I CANT WAIT TO HERE IT" i yelled. I almost attacked him but Fredo held me back.

"Ariana i-"

"NO DONT EVEN APOLOGIZE TO ME. Were done" and with that i walked out of the room. Once i got to my car i struggled to find my keys which sucked because Justin came out if the studio.

"Ariana wait please" he said and Selena following right behind. -.-

"Baby don't worry about her, she's pathetic" Selena said. I threw my purse on the ground and faced Selena.

"You know what Selena lets go right now" i said taking off my heels and earrings.

"Ha, I'm not gonna fight you. You'll just press charges" she said

"Im Italian... I don't press charges" i said giving her a death stare.

We began fighting. One punch and scratch after the other. Pulling hair kicking and screaming. I was so pissed off and I'm so glad i got to put my anger out on her. I pushed her to the ground and started pounding her face in. Justin grabbed me and tried pulling me off her, but i continued to fight.

"Ariana stop. Stop thats enough" Justin yelled still trying to pry me off of her.

"Ariana come on she's not worth it you're better than this" Alfredo said getting me off her. I grabbed my bag and earrings also putting my heels back on. I looked down at her, she looked terrified

"Next time, no one will be there to save you" i said, and with that i walked back to my car, got in, and drove off.



I kneeled down to Selena and helped her up. She gave me a dirty look and ran inside crying. I fell horrible, i didn't mean for any of this to happen. I hurt Ariana and for what? Selena? Im not even sure of i really do love her. i was just confused.

"Man you really screwed up this time" scooter said

"Oh jee thanks scooter that really helps make things better" i said sarcastically

"Dude i have no pity for you at all. This is your mistake and you made a huge one." He said walking back inside.

"You should have known better. Pattie didn't raise you to cheat on your girl" fredo said walking to his car.

"Fredo where are you going" i asked

"Im going to call Ariana and make sure she's okay. My phone is in my car nosey" he said with an attitude.

I got in my car and drove home. I needed to talk to Ariana and straighten this whole thing out.

As i arrived at the house & opened up the door i looked around to see if Yn was there.

"Ariana?" i yelled. No response.

"ARIANA, HELLO??" Still no response

"SHIT" i yelled slamming my fists on the kitchen counter.

I looked to right and saw a note on the counter, so i started reading it..

Justin, im going back home to canada. Im not going to stay here with you if you cheat. You know i believe 'once a cheater always a cheater'. Im not going to be happy again and then have it broken because you decided to cheat again. I thought you weren't that person.... I guess i was wrong. You'd think i would know my bestfriend huh? Well maybe not. Im not coming back. By the time you read this ill be at the airport getting onto my plane. Good bye


AN: okay so i decided to write a few more chapters of this and then i want to start on my cameron dallas fanfic. That one will have long chapters. Not parts. Trying to improve my writing skills. And again im so sorry for not updating and stuff. I really do appreciate that you take time out of you're day to read my story. Thank you💕

QOTD: is you're summer over??

A: yes😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

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