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Wednesday, August 23rd

I wake up and rub my eyes. I prop myself up on my elbows then look to my left. I see gray still sound asleep. Work has been beating the he'll out if him.

I smile as how cute he looks then pick up my shorts off the floor, slide them on, then a white tank top.

I get up and go into the kitchen. I run my hand through my hair, moving all of it to one side.

Then I hear a knock at the door. I furrow my eyebrows. I look at the time, who the hell is knocking at 10 in the morning.

I go over to the door, unlock it then open it. I see a guy around my age standing ther3.

"Hi?" Say say confused

"Hi- um, we got your mail yesterday-" he holds out a few envelopes.

"Oh-thanks- have a nice day" I take them and go to close the door but he stops the door with his foot. I flinch and my eyes widen.

"I'm jeff, I love next door"

"Okay-cool" I say awkwardly

"Would you- maybe- wanna go out...sometime?"

"Um- im engaged...sorry-" I go to close the door, and he stops it again but this time with his hand. And it made a loud bang noise.

"Engaged?you look like your my age...25" he laughs

"Yeah-well, I am...and listen- I have to go"

"But I want to get to know you" he steps forward a bit. I suddenly get scared.

"Babe?" Gray jogs out with only flannel pajama pants on.

He comes up behind me. "You okay?" Gray looks at this boy up and down.

"Uh-yeah" I say as I look back at Jeff

"Im-im gonna- go..." Jeff stutters

"Good idea" gray snaps and slams the door closed.

"What the fuck happened?!" He asks more worried than angry

I turn to him and follow him in the kitchen.

"He kept, hitting on me- he wouldn't let me leave either..."

He sits down at the kitchen table. "Asshole...if he ever-"

I wrap my arms around him from behind. "It's fine, I can handle it" i kiss his cheek.

"Just please don't anwser the door, especially if I'm not home" he sighs

"What? Am I not suppose to leave the house" I joke and sit in the. Hair next to him.

"Not a bad idea" he replies and we laugh.

"I love you vi, and I want you to be safe" he looks down at his hands

"I love you too gray, and I am and I will be" i put my hands on his

He smirks. We get lost in each others eyes. Then my phone goes off. I lean over the table to grab my phone from the other side. Gray smacks my ass and then I smack his hand away playfully. We both laugh, as I anwser ethan on my phone and go into the bedroom.

"Hey e"  I say, still laughing from because of gray

"Ew, what's with you" he sounds disgusted

"Gray smack-" I started

"Okay!I heard enough!" He laughs

I shake my head even though I know he can't see me. "So what's up?"

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