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Saturday, September 2nd

My alarms starts to blare in my ear. I groan and put my pillow over my head.

I feel Grayson sit up and reach over me to turn it off. " c'mon " he grunts.

"No" I yell still with the pillow over my head.

He pulls the blanket off of me.

I exhale. "I'm up, I'm up" I sit up.

"Good" he tosses the blanket back on the bed.

"Jk" I say and huddle myself under the blanket again.

I chuckle evilaly.

"Your a child" he laughs and I hear his footsteps.

"You knew this" I laugh.

All of a sudden I feel him grip onto my ankles and pulls me to the end of the bed. He catches me before I fall off. Thank god.

We laugh. He puts me down. I get up then low Key look at myself in the mirror and see that the little baby bump for slightly bigger.

I smile to myself  I can't wait for Grayson to find out.

"you're beautiful, now stop looking in the mirror" gray says and holds out his hand.

i quickly throw on a random shirt so im not im my sports bra anymore then i take his hand and smile. we walk out and see my grams sitting on the couch watching the news.

"morning grams" i smile.

"morning" gray jumps in

she turns around and smiles "good morning loves" she gets up "i went out and got breakfast this morning" she walks over to us in the kitchen

"you didnt have to do that, i was going to make pancakes" grayson says

i pat his chest "woah there guy fieri, you think i was going to let you make breakfast" i joke

"shut up" he laughs

my grams laughs "i beat you to it, i got bagels and i got an egg sandwhich for the little one, because she probably wouldnt be able to chew a bagel" she says as she goes into the fridge to take out the cream cheese and butter.

"ill go wake them up" i say as gray helps grams set things up. i go down the all and go into the room. amanda was already siting up playing on her leapPad

"a, wake up your mom" i whisper

she looks up and smiles. she nods once. she turns off her leapPad and puts in on the nightstand. she stands up and starts jumping. janet wakes up "ahhhhh"

i start to laugh. "morning sleepy head, breakfast time"

"bwekfast!!" amanda says and jumps off the bed and runs out the room. i laugh. janet sits up and gets out of bed. "ready for today"

"should i be scared" i cross my arms

"mmmm, debateable" she laughs

i giggle " c'mon " i say and we walk out and go into the kitchen. everyone is serving the food. we sit down. i of course sit next to grayson.

i grab my cup to take a sip of the orange juice. "wait!" my grams shouts.

i stop. "what" my eyes grow wide

she holds up her cup "tomorrow" she smiles

gray puts his hand on my tigh. i take his hand and we smile at each other.

everyone holds up their cups "tomorrow" we all say and take sips of our oj.

after we finish eating, janet and i start to clean up. gray goes to get dressed and my grams does as well. amanda just sits in the living room and watches adventure time.

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