Only Me

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Saturday, August 26th

I stand outside the room and watch the doctors working on Victor through the window. Scared of what might happen. I can't lose another one. It's all my fault.

The doctors and nurses start to panic and start rushing around in the room. My eye sight starts to get blurry from the tears building up. Where is kevin??

I wipe my eyes and once my vision is cleared I see all the doctors just stop working on him. I see a doctor look at his watch and my heart stops.

The main doctor comes outside while the others are cleaning up. He closes the door behind him.

"What's going on?!" I rush up to the doctor.

"I'm sorry, ms. Davain. We did everything we could" he sighs

"No..." I mutter under my breath

The doctor walks away and Kevin runs up to me. "What happened!!"

I turn to face him. "He's dead..." I say in shock

Kevin's face drops and gives me a blank stare. "It's all your fault, I never should've trusted you" he snaps.

Everything goes black.

I quickly sit up gasping for air. Grayson,sitting in the chair next to me, gets up and grabs my arm in worry.

"Are you okay?!" He asks almost scared

"I Just-" I rub my forehead "Just had a nightmare..."

"Okay" he kisses my forehead. "I'm gonna go to the house to grab a few things. Okay?"

I nod and kiss him again. Then i watch him walk away. I just smile to myself

"Vi, you okay?" I hear a young voice say.

I look to the bed next to mine and see Victor with his leg all wrapped up.

I take a sigh of relief and get up. "I'm fine bud, hows that leg?"

Victor knocks on his giant cast. "Can't feel a thing...and still trying to figure out if that's a good or bad thing" he laughs.

I smile and move some hair out of his eyes, exposing more cuts. I sigh.

"Where's your dad?" I ask and sit next to him on his bed.

"Talking to the police" he plays with his wrist cast.

"Victor, I'm so sorry..." I blurt

"It's not your fault. He came out of nowhere"

"But if I was with you-"

"The only thing that would've changed is that we would both be in casts"

I sigh. "Your right" I lean over and kiss his forehead.

"Love you violet"

"Love you too" I smile and mess his hear up. We both giggle.

Kevin walks in and drops paper at the foot of the bed. "Texting and driving they are letting the guy walk" he exhales in frustration.

I pick up the paper. "They just gave you the fucking police report?" I say angered.

"Language" Victor jokes

"I'm sorry, but I'm pissed. He doesn't even get a ticket?!" I furrow my eyebrows

"Nope...i don't know how. But they said all we can do is sue them..."

"It's fine. IM fine. Don't worry about it" Victor interveins.

I shake my head. "It's just ridiculous"

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