Chapter 3.

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when the elevator door opened the entire control room was in panic mode. i sighed. "HEY! instead of everybody freaking out that the hybrid carnviore got loose lets actually do something about it instead of freaking out!" i yelled at them, my voice echoing throughout the room. Owen looked down at me impressed. i smirked at him winking before looking at Claire who nodded in thanks. i even saw a small smile on her face.

we went to walk through when a guard decided to be a dick. "i need to see a badge." i scoffed before unclipping mine and shoved it in the guys face, "happy jackass?" he nodded a little freaked out and i clipped it back to its original place in my pocket.

"what the hell happened back there?" Owen demanded answers from Claire, "there are thermal detectures everywhere in that paddock! she did not just disappear!"

i grabbed his arm giving it a slight squeeze. my white flannel was covered in coolant and i sighed as i took it off and tied it around my waist leaving me in just my black tank top that showed a little bit of my skin.

"it must've been a technical malfunction." Claire defended and turned to the screens infront of us.

"were you not watching? she marked up that wall to distract us! she wanted us to think she escaped." i yelled getting pissed. Owen gripped my hand as his slid down my arm and into my hand.

"now hold on, were talking about an animal here." Claire glared at us. i scoffed, "a highly intelligent animal. she doesnt know the difference between food and not food."

"four hundred meters to the beacon." Vivian one of the computer workers told her boss who nodded. we focused on the screen and i didnt know if i wanted to cry or scream profanities at Claire for being stupid.

"im sure everything will be fine. Asset Containment is handling it." Claire said her voice wavering slightly uncertainty on her face.

"you think a group of guards are gonna do anything? Claire your sending men to their deaths! she will eat them alive! shes a Carnivore! Carnivores eat meat Claire! or have you not been paying attention to my speeches!?" i yelled and she glared at me, "i am well aware she is a carnivore Mrs. Grady."

"let me put it clearly to you. she broke through a steel coated concrete wall like it was glass." i explained trying to get through her freaking brain what this animal can do.

"they can handle it alright?!" she spat at me and i just glared. "they are trained professionals that have enough tranquilizer to knock out the entire park." i laughed, "you forgot that it takes at least 20 of those things to knock out the T-Rex right?"i  reminded her and she glared.

we watched helplessly as the group of men, or should i say food headed to the red dot that resembled the Indominus's location.

voices were heard as well as pictures of the guards as we heard what they were saying. we couldnt see what was happening but we could hear it. not sure if i wanted to hear people get eaten alive.... the monitors had their heart monitors and everything. i sighed shaking my head at the stupidity.

"your going after it with non-lethals?" Owen spoke up as he came behind me placing his hands on my hips. Mr. Masrani gave him an annoyed look. when did he get in the room? or was i too busy bitching at Claire for being a dumbass to not notice that he was in the room?

"we have 26 million dollars on that asset." Mr. Masrani spoke up and i scoffed. "we cant just kill it."

"so you would rather have her kill visitors and workers?" i questioned the man and he glared at me. i smirked slightly and placed my hands on my hips, my hands on top of Owen's.

"those men are gonna die!" Owen growled as we watched them get closer.

god i hoped my brother was someplace safe..... i was itching to call him but i needed to make sure this went okay before worrying about my brother. even if family was important.

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