Chapter 8

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the familiar call of the raptor sounded and we watched in shock as Blue ran the corner to join the battle. even the Indominus stopped what she was about to do. and that gave the Rex time to get up. Blue jumped on the Indominus and then hopped on the T-Rex's and i smiled. they were working together to kill the bigger threat.

Rexy got up and attacked the Indominus which sadly sent her towards us and we all scrambled away and into the shops. blue fell in the shops and we stopped and she ignored us and joined the fight. we stopped just as they fought near us. Rexy tossed the Indominus on the ground and the Indominus let out a roar as did Rexy and Blue. the Indominus struggled to get up, right by the Mososaur exhibit and i saw the Indominus stand up and roar but it was cut short when the Mososaur jumped out of the water and latched her jaws around the Indominus's neck dragging her into the water.

we heard the groans of the Indominus as Rexy and Blue glanced at each other

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we heard the groans of the Indominus as Rexy and Blue glanced at each other. it was almost like the T-Rex, the King of dinosaurs was sending a silent thank you to Blue. Rexy walked away and Blue looked at us as we slowly walked closer to her.

"thank you blue." i whispered as i put my hand out and she nuzzled her nose in the palm of my hand, Owen came up and rubbed between her eyes as she made a noise that was almost like she was purring. Blue chirped and Owen shook his head and she looked like she nodded and took off running away. alone. i frowned as i watched Blue run off without a pack.

"all her sisters are gone.." i whispered and Owen wrapped his arms around me. i hugged back burying my face in his chest. "is it done?" Hannah whispered and i placed my head on Owen's chest facing towards them, my ear pressed to his heart.

i smiled as i saw Alec nod and wrap his arms around his girlfriend. Claire sighed with relief and hugged her nephews. we got on a chopper with Lowery and headed to Costa Rica where the other survivors were at. i got my leg stitched up and my shoulder as well. i helped the injured as best as i could along with Owen, who could do more than i could.

i smiled at Owen as he smiled back and winked. i blushed and helped a father who was holding his daughter. the doctor came over and took over and i walked over to Owen and wrapped my arms around his midsection. he hugged back and buried his face in my neck.

i pulled away slightly, "its finally over." he nodded and i leaned up and captured his lips on mine and he responded almost instantly. we pulled away when we heard the familiar roar of the T-Rex and i smiled, "Rexy and Blue are free..." he glanced down at me and nodded, "they will be fine." i nodded and buried my face in his chest as he chuckled patting my back with his hand. "i honestly thought we wouldnt survive.." i muttered in his chest and he hummed in response, "we did. and now what are we gonna do?"

i shrugged and glanced up at him, "i have no idea. find jobs in the states?" he snorted, "that could work. wont be the same as working with dinosaurs but it will do." i chuckled and kissed his chin. "how you feeling?" he looked into my blue eyes as i looked in his blue green eyes. "im fine. doesnt really hurt." he frowned a little, "how you holding up about Echo?" i shrugged, "she died a hero." he smiled and nodded, "yeah she did. im just glad you didnt get to see her death." i frowned a little and nodded, "yeah that would scar me." he chuckled and kissed the top of my head.

"so what now?" he shrugged, "we stick together. for survival." i snorted, "were married. we are already suviving." he laughed and smirked down at me, "what about a family?" i stared at him shocked, "you want kids?" he shrugged, "only if you want too." i squealed and jumped wrapping my legs around his waist as best as i could and he laughed and held me up by my upper thigh, his hands brushing against my ass. "ill take that as a yes then?" he smirked and  i nodded and he placed me on my feet and wrapped one arm around me as we watched the sun come up. i sighed in content.

the Indominus was dead. the dinosaurs were roaming free. and i could not be more than happy.

**4 months later**

i opened the front door to our apartment in Florida. i heard the TV going and knew Owen was home. he worked at Sea World while i continued my Paleontology career. i was also going to school for Archeology and i just got back from Bulgaria searching for dinosaurs bones. even though i worked with them for years it still amazed me by the size of the bones. plus we kept digging up new species.

"honey im home!" i called and he stood up from the couch and helped me with my bags before pulling me into his arms and hugged me tightly. i giggled, "Careful babe." i patted his arm and he pulled away confused, "why?" i smiled as i pulled an envelope from my jacket pocket and handed it to Owen. he lead me to the couch to which i sat down next to him eager to see his reaction. i wanted to wait until i was in front of him to tell him.

he opened the envelope carefully and gasped when he was holding ultrasound images. "your pregnant??" i nodded and he grinned and tackled me into a hug pushing me on my back as he hovered over me. i giggled at his reaction, "i wanted to wait to be in front of you to tell you. im 3 months." he grinned even wider if possible and kissed me passionately. i kissed back smiling into the kiss.

he pulled away and smiled, "im so happy baby." i chuckled, "can tell." he rolled his eyes and sat up and helped me sit up. his hands instantly went to my small bump that was forming and i smiled at the gesture. he started to talk to the bump which just made the smile grow bigger on my face.

"im your daddy. and i cant wait to meet you." he muttered as he kissed my belly gently. i smiled as i ran my fingers through his short sandy colored hair. he smiled at me as his eyes shined with happiness and love. i crawled on his lap as we watched TV. i couldnt be happier right now.

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