Chapter 6

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we got to the raptor paddock by nightfall and Owen jumped out of the jeep leaving his door open. me, and Claire followed as i saw Owen punch Hoskins in the jaw. i winced at the impact it made and smirked at his shocked expression. "get the fuck out of here and stay away from my animals."

"you wanted this you son of a bitch!" Claire joined in and i raised an eyebrow at the douchebag. "you cant let these animals out of containment! whatever you think you know, you dont. nobody knows these animals. i dont even know and i study them! they are deadly and will kill people. probably more than the Indominus has already." i seethed at the guy who thought he was all high shit.

"they can kill and hunt this thing. were doing this. with or without you. this is an Ingen situation now." Hoskins ignored me as i tossed up my hands and wanted so badly to punch this guy in the face. Owen seemed to notice as he grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers together and squeezed my hand tightly.

Owen looked to be debating it. his jaw set in a line as he clenched it. his once green blue eyes were almost a dark green as anger took over his features.

"Owen no..." i whispered and he looked down at me and sighed. he glanced up at Hoskins and slightly nodded and i groaned. "Owen what the fuck!" i hit his arm and he grabbed it shocked at my reaction. "what?"

"your putting people at risk!"

"i cant do anything about it. im gonna join the group. i will be able to make sure the raptors dont go too far. they are gonna get the scent of the Indominus." he soothed me and i sighed before nodding, "fine but this better work." he chuckled and kissed my forehead as he grabbed my hand leading me inside where he would give the plan.

"we know shes in sector 7. this is what we call a scent drill, weve done it with these animals about a thousand times. when they get on target, and they will get on target, fire on my command. raptors are pack hunters. they like to herd their prey, attack from the sides. whatever you not shoot my raptors...please?" Owen basically begged at the end of his speech and the Asset Containment and Ingen soldiers nodded and i took a deep breath shaking my head.

"i want you to go with Claire, your brother and the kids." i scoffed, "like hell i am. im going with you."

"no. your not safe." i rolled my eyes, "dont use the 'your not safe bullshit' line on me Ow. your not safe. this entire situation isnt safe!" i waved my hand around me to make my point more clear. "i know that Av. but i need to make sure my raptors are safe, especially Blue."

i slowly nodded knowing how important Blue was to him. we both kissed quickly before i followed him inside the cage where the raptors had muzzles on their mouths.

"you dont scare me." Owen spoke softly to Blue who snarled as Owen fixed her camera on her head. i carefully placed my hand on her head and she made a noise that sounded almost like a mixture between a purr and a snarl. Owen smiled up at me, "she likes you. but i think Echo is getting jealous." i chuckled and walked over to my raptor that i grew attached to. "hey girl. what are they doing to you and your sisters?" Echo tried to make a chirping sound but it was muffled. i gave her a kiss on her head as i rubbed between her eyes.

"Owen." i glanced up to see the kids, Alec and Hannah standing outside the paddock gates. i smiled as i gave Echo one more kiss on the forehead and walked over to Owen, the kids and my brother plus his girlfriend.

"are they safe?" Grey questioned Owen worried. "no they arent."

"what are their names?" Alec and Zach both said in perfect sync. i chuckled as i glanced at Owen.

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