Chapter 7

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"where's Henry?" Clair questioned Hoskins. "Dr. Wu works for us." Hoskins propped his hands on his hips and i sighed. of course he was. Grey peaked behind him and i saw Alec push him back slightly. i smiled at the protectiveness of my brother, even if it was a small gesture. "thats not a real dinosaur." a look of betrayal was on his face and i frowned at the look. i instantly turned my head to Hoskins and sent him a nasty death glare.

"No it aint," Hoskins agreed with Grey and i snorted. Hoskins continued though, "but somebody's gotta make sure that this company has a future." i rolled my eyes and glared at him, "and that somebody is you? your insane. you just put this entire park in danger with that creature and then you let the raptors out. yeah cuz you will be a great boss." i sarcastically remarked and he just ignored me. i crossed my arms over my chest ignoring the stinging pain in my shoulder.

"Imagine, that  one, a fraction of the size, deadly, intelligent, able to hide from the most advanced military technology. a living weapon unlike anything we've ever seen. Nature is the gift-" he was cut off by a snarl i knew all too well.

i glanced in the doorway and saw Delta and i instantly pushed the kids behind me as the adults pushed the kids behind us. me, Claire, Owen, Alec and Hannah formed a protective circle surrounding the kids. Owen held his gun at ready as i did the same thing.

"easy." Hoskins told Delta who snarled, he backed up into a wall as Delta advanced. she obviously was looking at him as a meal. i noticed the camera was off of her head and i smiled a little. none of the raptors like Hoskins. like dogs, they can sense when someone is no good.

"easy boy." i snorted, "shes a girl asshat." Owen smirked next to me letting out a small chuckle. "hey hey were on the same side, right?" he held his hand out, like Owen has done multiple times to the raptors, when Owen fell into the paddock (Owen told me about it...) i grabbed my husbands arm gently and squeezed not really wanting to see what Delta will do to Hoskins.

" on your side." he whispered again and just before i could even gasp Delta lunged and grabbed his hand between her mouth and teeth. i winced at the sound of flesh and his screams as Owen pushed us out of the room.

"Go go!" Owen ushered us forward. and we ran down the hallway and came to a T in the hallway. i cursed at the design.

"where do we go!?" Alec questioned us panic in his voice as he had both Zach's and Grey's wrists in his hands. Claire's eyes flickered around quickly and she made sure the left was clear. "come on." she ushered us and we followed. but before we could get any further, Delta burst through the glass windows and i screeched in surprise as i tripped on a piece of large glass. "no no! right!" i yelled as i caught my footing watching as Delta struggled to get up.

we ran by the hologram and Hannah hit the button and a Dilophosaurus appeared and Delta snarled getting into her jumping position before attacking it.

we rushed outside of the building and down the stairs and got stopped by Blue. i yelped in surprise as she snarled at me. i closed my eyes as i heard movement and saw Owen lower his gun, "thats how it is huh?" he whispered softly to the raptor. i sucked in a breath.

Delta came bursting through the doors and my heart stopped as she advanced on us. Echo soon joined from the right and i smiled a little at my raptor being alive. they formed a circle around us slowly inching forward to attack.

Owen gently tossed his gun to the ground and i eyed my husband with suspicion. does he have a death wish? he raised his right hand, his other clutching mine tightly, he raised his hand to Delta like hes done so many times before and smiled a little, "hey blue."

Blue snapped at him and i waited for him to start screaming in pain but it never came. "easy girl. easy." he soothed his raptor and carefully moved his hand to the headgear that had the camera on it and unclipped it from her head. Blue tilted her head to the side and Owen and her kept eye contact.

a roar sounded and the Indominus came around the corner. Blue turned around once hearing the call from her alpha. "Owen..." i whispered and he just shhed me as he watched the scene take place. the Indominus stomped towards us and growled. her and Blue communicated and i frowned.

my heartbeat quickened waiting for the attack but it never came. Blue stared at us or more like Owen before blinking and chirping and i sighed with relief knowing she was communicating with Owen. i saw Owen smirk to his raptor and i knew the other raptors would follow whatever blue did.

Blue faced the Indominus that stood above us like an empire state building Blue screeched, crouched in a position and jumped. the Idominus instantly swept her to the side and i let out a yelp of surprise as Blue hit the side of the building painfully. i winced and prayed she was okay. the other raptors growled obviously not liking that the Indominus just hurt their sister or worse. they attacked once Owen whistled. they jumped on the Indominus, teeth and claws bared sinking into the Indominus's skin.

the Indominus tried to shake them off but it didnt work very well. a few buildings got destroyed in the process. me and Owen ushered everybody into a the back of a somewhat safe shop. i noticed Owen not by my side and peaked over the counter and cursed. "Owen you idoit." he was firing shot after shot at the Indominus. trying to help his raptors the best he could. "OWEN GRADY!" i yelled and he glanced at me from behind the amber statue.  "ill be fine!" i raised an eyebrow and scoffed. i crounced next to everybody and sighed.

"were safe in here right?" Grady questioned and Zach nodded, "yeah totally safe." he assured his brother even though we all knew it was a life. Grey said a couple numbers. i glanced over the counter again to see Owen duck just in time to see the Amber statue get shattered behind him. "we need more.." Grey muttered and i furrowed my brows at him.

"more what?" i asked him confused. "more teeth." Hannah's, Claire and my eyes widened in realization. each of us women grabbed a flare.

"ill go. i got better running shoes." I told them and they both shook their heads, "your hurt. you wont outrun it." i scoffed, "ive been in worse situations than this. well more in pain than this but still!" she rolled her eyes at me as Hannah agreed, "stay with the kids ill go."

"like hell you will." i smirked at my brothers words. "keep them safe." Claire told us and i raised an eyebrow as she began to hop off over the counter. instead i beat her and took off running. "AVERY!" i heard Owen yell my name but ignored him and took off towards the T-Rex paddock.

"Lowery are you still there!?" i yelled into the walkie talkie i had strapped to my belt. "yeah? where the hell are you?"

"open paddock nine!" i told him and i knew he had a dumbfounded look on his face.

"paddock nine? why?"

"just fucking do it Lowery!" i cursed and i heard buttons being pushed, "are you crazy?!"

"probably. im right outside. for the love of god if you dont open this paddock and we survive this somehow i will make sure you dont have kids!" he sighed, "why did you have to go there?" i smirked as i heard the buzzer go off.

the door opened and i uncapped the flare in my hand. the thudding of the T-Rex's footsteps grew louder as she came near the open door.

"hey girl. ready?" i turned on my heels and quickly took off running with a T-Rex on my heels. the thudding of her feet running catching up to me kept me running like my life depended on it...cuz it did.

i ran all the way to where the Indominus was and didnt stop until i saw her. i tossed the flare at the Indominus and seeing where the flare hit the T-Rex roared gaining the attention of the Indominus. the Indominus roared as i dove away from the fight as the T-Rex loomed over me like she was protecting me. i crawled behind Brontosaurus exhibit and the dinosaurs fought over who was the biggest and scariest. the T-Rex stumbled as the Indominus snapped at the Rex's throat.

"RUN!" i yelled and they all ran out of the building and huddled behind me. Owen gripped my hand in his as i tried to control my breathing. we watched as the shop they were just in fell under the weight of the dinosaur and they both let earsplitting roars again as the T-Rex stumbled to get up.

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