Chapter 9

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***4 years later***

its been 4 years since the park, 4 years since our beautiful daughter Haylee Evelyn Grady was born. and its been 6 years of a beautiful marriage with Owen. i could not have asked for a better man to come in my life, he and Haylee were everything to me.

my Paleontology career was taking off though i was not making much money since we were not the only Paleontologists out there looking for new kinds of dinosaurs, but luckily my Archeology career was taking off as well and ive been digging up things that nobody has found-which itself made money. Owen was still working at Sea World as a killer whale trainer and he came home everyday smelling like dead fish. Haylee hated the way her father smelled when he came home so me and her gained up on him making him shower every time he comes home from work.

"babe im home!" Owen yelled in the apartment that we still lived in, not wanting to move with Haylee being so young; plus it was the perfect destination around Florida for us, everything was close. the beach, Owen's job, the airport, doctors office, the grocery store, everything.

i picked up a sleepy Haylee and placed her on my hip as we greeted Owen. he smiled seeing his little girl and smirked seeing me. i was 6 months pregnant so that was why i was not on the other side of the world right now.

"hello my beautiful girls." i smiled at him as i glanced down at our daughter who made grabby motions with her hands. Owen picked her up and twirled her around making her giggle. "Owen dont get her too excited, she still needs to take a nap." i whined and he just rolled his eyes at me.

he placed her on her feet and she squealed running to me and wrapping her tiny arms around my legs. i laughed and picked her up, "daddy smells." i smirked at Owen as he frowned. "daddy does not smell." he defended and i raised an eyebrow, "daddy does smell, really bad." he glared at me playfully.

"what? you do!" i mentioned and he just chuckled, "fine. ill go shower since my two favorite girls dont wanna give me a kiss." i rolled my eyes at him as he kissed my forehead and i just crinkled my noise. "you smell worse than you did at the island." i brought up and he just chuckled, "i smelled on the island?" i nodded, "like dead animals and BO." he scoffed, "love you too." i giggled at him and pushed him towards the bathroom to where he just grumbled under his breath.

"why dont you go watch the Smurfs?" i questioned as i already had the movie playing. she squealed and i let her down on her tiny feet as she waddled to the living room. she sat on the floor since we dont let her sit on the couch without us and sung along to the song the Smurfs sing. i chuckled lightly as i made dinner. i kept an eye on Haylee from the kitchen since i had a good view of the living room from it. Owen came out and picked up Haylee off of the ground and sat on the couch with her on his lap.

"babe when's dinner?" Owen questioned when he glanced over his shoulder. Haylee clapped her hands, "food!" i laughed at her word. her first word was not mommy, or was food. i glared at Owen for a whole week since that was all she said.

"in a few minutes." i told them and Haylee huffed crossing her arms over her chest, "Hayles didnt like that answer.." Owen mentioned to me and i plopped on the couch, "well im not giving her uncooked food." i tickled her tummy making her squeal and move around in Owen's arms.

"food!" Haylee squealed out through her contagious giggles. i laughed and got up to check on the meal. i set the table and yelled out Hayley's favorite word, "Food!" they both came running in, Owen doing the airplane move with Hayley pretending she was an airplane as he made sound effects with his mouth. i smiled at them as Owen set Hayley in her highchair.

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