Chapter 10: Get Lucky

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This is the chaos. The alien spaceships began to launch their attack on Paris, and Mr. Spade managed to escape with the Brainwasher. Now Sophie and Daft Punk are the last hope for the survival of humanity. The spaceship of the Daft Punk flies at full speed through the streets of the city in pursuit of the car Mr. Spade. Two armed men opened the windows of the car and start shooting at the spaceship. Sophie clings as she may at its headquarters. Thomas presses a button and the spaceship sends a burst on the car, which is powered to several meters in the air before crashing to the ground.

(Sophie): "He is touched!"

(Guy-Manuel): "Good work Thomas! We will recover the brainwasher, quickly!"

The spaceship gently landed on the road and the band is coming to take the object. In the sky, the alien vessels continue their attack in shooting on buildings and cars. The police is doing everything it can to help civilians to reach safety. When she sees the streets of his city devastated, Sophie sheds a tear. War, chaos and destruction. Is the fate of her world? Seeing her like that, Thomas feels really guilty.

(Thomas): "This is our fault. Because of us, your world is in danger, we should never have to take you in this adventure. It was too dangerous."

(Sophie): "It is not your fault Thomas. You thought to do well, you made ​​a mistake, and it can happen to everyone. You and your brother are really good guardians and soldiers. And I will follow you in this adventure, to the end."

She takes the hands of Thomas and looks him into the eyes, smiling. Thomas can not smile but his heart of robot starts beating very strong, and he is happy. Sophie gave him a short but sincere kiss, to restore hope and confidence in him.

But suddenly, Mr. Spade appears. He survived the accident, and holds the brainwasher in his hand and a pistol in the other. He was wounded in the leg and has several cuts on his face, but he is still able to fire his gun.

(Mr. Spade): "All this is your fault! My plan was perfect, until you do meet this girl! She will pay for the others!"

Mr. Spade pointed his gun on Sophie and shoots. The projectile reaches the girl near the heart. Sophie feels a great pain in the chest and falls to the ground. Thomas and Guy-Manuel are horrified.

(Thomas): "NOOOOOOOOO!"

Thomas rushes to Sophie, who closes her eyes and not moves. Blood flows from the wound in her chest. Thomas takes her gently in his arms. He can not shed tears, but he suffers terribly in the deep in his heart. Is she dead?

Mr. Spade sneers of what he has done and pulls a second time, in the back of Thomas. But the ball ricochets off the metal skin of the robot. Thomas turns to Spade, and look at him furiously. Mr. Spade senses danger ahead, and tries to use the brainwasher, but Guy-Manuel managed to approach and strikes the man, before taking the brainwasher and go away.

(Guy-Manuel): "Go Thomas! Now!"

Thomas takes his plasma cannon and aims Mr. Spade, who begins to tremble with fear.

(Thomas): "This is for Sophie, and the earth!"

He shoots a huge plasma sphere, which disintegrates Mr. Spade in seconds. The greatest criminal of the city just disappears forever. All that remains of him are ash, windswept.

Later, the attack ceased, thanks to intervention by Daft Punk on their soldiers. Robots have apologized for their mistakes and promised to the humans to send teams to help repair the damage. The brainwasher was give to their master, D-Tron.

(D-Tron): "I am proud of you, my sons. You have saved the earth but also the universe. Now, this object will be returned to our planet, and I will find a way to destroy it for that it can not serve evil again."

The alien ships depart from the earth, with the brainwasher. But suddenly, Guy-Manuel turns and sees his brother with Sophie. The girl is still alive, but her injury worsens minutes by minutes. Thomas is desperate.

(Guy-Manuel): "I'm really sorry, my brother."

(Thomas): "I must save her I can not live without her. It's my fault, I should protect her!"

(Guy-Manuel): "Listen to me, I have an idea to save Sophie. It's risky, but we'll try. Takes her and come with me, now!"

In the spaceship of the Daft Punk, Thomas and Guy-Manuel use the medical equipment from their planet, to cure Sophie. She is lying on an operating table, surrounded by the two robots. Guy-Manuel managed to retrieve the bullet, but the heart is too damaged, and Sophie still may die. To save her, Daft Punk decides the only solution: They remove the human heart and replaces it with a heart of cyborg, very sophisticated. Shortly after the operation, Sophie opens her eyes and turns to her friends robots. She smiled.

(Sophie): "Thank you ..... my friends."

Thomas and Guy-Manuel are relieved and shake in her arms, like brothers. Then Thomas approaches Sophie to talk to her. She reaches out and gently caresses the metal cheek of Thomas.

(Thomas): "Sophie, I ..... We have transplanted in you a heart of robot. Now, you're no longer really a human, you're ...... like us."

(Sophie): "It does not matter. What matters is that I love you and I am with you forever."

Thomas is really happy. Guy-Manuel is also happy for them. Thomas takes Sophie in his arms, gently, and they kiss again with love. The world is saved, and Sophie too.

A month later, Daft Punk organizes a concert at the Zenith in Paris. A large crowd gathers for the occasion. Now everyone knows that they are cyborgs from another world. But this time, Sophie is part of the show for the last song of the concert. She told her adventure to her parents, who are really proud of her. They will be behind the scenes, to watch their daughter sing on stage with Daft Punk. Zenith is filled with a cheering crowd. Daft Punk makes their concert in an atmosphere of crazy. Then, before the last song, Thomas took the microphone and spoke to the crowd.

(Thomas): "Now, for the last song, I want you to applaud our new friend, an extraordinary and sublime daughter: Sophie Dunams."

Sophie comes on the stage, wearing a short gray dress, with a metallic appearance. She wears a metal band around the head, to add to her robotic style. In the crowd, Clara and her friends can not believe that.

The song begins: Guy-Manuel plays drums, Thomas will play bass, and Sophie will sing. After the first notes, she began to singing with a sweet and beautiful voice.

(Sophie): "Like the legend of the phoenix

All ends with beginnings

What keeps the planet spinning

The force from the beginning

We've come too far to give up who we are

So let's raise the bar and our cups to the stars

She's up all night 'til the sun

I'm up all night to get some

She's up all night for good fun

I'm up all night to get lucky

We're up all night 'til the sun

We're up all night to get some

We're up all night for good fun

We're up all night to get lucky....."

The crowd applauded for this new song of Daft Punk. Behind the scenes, Sophie's parents are really proud of their daughter. Sophie and Thomas are side by side and look into the eyes during the song. Then after the song, Sophie and Daft Punk greet the crowd which continues to screaming and applauding with all his strength. Then Thomas and Sophie kiss on the stage before the cheering crowd. A fireworks explodes in the sky to finish the concert. Guy-Manuel, Thomas and Sophie, watch together the fireworks that illuminated the sky and chase the dark clouds to reveal the moon in this beautiful night.


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