Chapter 3: Sick

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Chrystal's POV

Three months later...

"You excited?" Mom asked, a hint of excitement in her voice. "Uh.. no. It's frustrating. It's scary." I replied and faced the window.

I can't believe that I'm turning into a college student now! I'll be going through clubs, have a hard time for myself and--

I was cut deep into my thoughts when mom whispered. "Hey, we're already here. You're day dreaming again!" She laughed and patted my shoulder from the front seat. "I'm not." I shrugged and went outside.

"Mom, I'm nervous." She opened her window and smiled bright at me. "You can do it!" She smiled and went off.


"Chrystal!" Brenna shouted from the corridor. I was finally inside, and let me tell you my first impression: it was big and large and full of people! Can't you believe it? It wasn't even like this when I was still in elementary and high school.

"Did you just..."

"Yep, cut my hair a bit shorter." She smiled at me and gestured towards the bulletin board which was filled with lots of people-- er.. students.

"Wait, its still filled. Let's wait for the students to go away." I said and smiled. "Where are the others?" I said, changing the topic. "Hmm, probably around the cafeteria?"

"Did they already know about their sections?"

"They we're advance."

"That sucks!" I made an annoyed face and Brenna just laughed it off. "Yeah, it does." Then, she notice the students going away. "Hey, it isn't filled anymore."

"Yeah, let's go?" I asked. "Yup." She said and went on first.

When we reached the board that was swarmed with students awhile ago, I noticed that only Carmen and Brenna we're at my section. Then Chanyeol and Baekhyun. Luhan isn't here? Wait.. we're classmates.

Oh no.


"Shut up! You're so noisy!" I gently slapped her shoulder, which she made an 'ouch' or 'hurt' action, then laughed. "I wish you could see how red you are!" She smiled and left the board.

"No! I don't like--" Argh! I slipped! Stupid tongue! "See?! You like him!" Can't she just shut up? It's embarrasing! "No! Argh, I so hate you." I left her laughing and proceeded in my classroom. Typical bestfriends.


"Hey, Chrystal?" I looked around in surprise. It was Chanyeol. "Do you know where Hyung is?" I got confused. Chanyeol has too many 'Hyungs'! "Uh.. Which one?" I asked and slyly smiled.

"Oh, it's Luhan hyung." He said and started breathing heavily. "I-I don't know.. I was looking for him today too. Why would he miss the first day?" I said in a look of confusion. "Yeah. Maybe I'll ask around--"

"Can I come? I'm concerned." I seriously looked at him. "Of course. Let's ask Carmen first?" He offered. I wickedly smiled at him and he nervously looked around. "H-How about Baekhyun then? Ahehehe.." He wasn't looking at me, and I noticed that he's blushing! Something's real fishy here.

"All right."

From the corner of the room, I could see Baekhyun practicing his vocals silently. He was seriously looking at the lyrics from his phone. "Baekhyun?"

"Y-Yeah?" He removed his headphone and stared at the both of us. "Do you happen to know where Luhan is?" I asked directly. "I believe he's sick."

"Sick? He's ill?" Chanyeol asked. "Yeah, apparently, his mother called me yesterday and told me that he wouldn't be able to attend the First day of classes." He explained which made me even more concerned.

"Can I miss this day?" I asked myself. If its for your friend, then I would-- "Chrystal. Don't. He can handle it. You can finish the day, then head off towards their house." Chanyeol warned, then Baekhyun shot a cold stare at me.

Wait. Oh, this isn't what I'm thinking right? It isn't correct right? Oh nevermind!

"Hey, classes are starting." Baekhyun said then smiled at Chanyeol, not at me. Okay, that is weird. "Alright, I'll go back to my seat." I said and smiled at the both of them.


A few hours later...

I was walking real fast towards the exit of my school. Classes ended smoothly awhile ago, and I already told my friends that my friend is sick. I can't handle to tell his name because they'll make me feel embarrassed again.

At the final turn towards the exit, I could see his mother walking towards my direction. I think she's going to buy some medicine? Yeah, maybe.

"Mrs. Lu?" I said when she came in a closer direction. "Oh yes! Chorong! I need to ask you a favor." I knew that she was in a hurry, so I didn't tell anything and let her speak. "It's just that.. Luhan is sick and there has been an emergency at my office. Wouldn't you mind if you could take care of him just for today until I get back?" She was really in a hurry, I could tell.

"Yes! Of course Mrs. Lu! I was supposed to be heading there to take care of him after I heard the news about him getting sick." I said and smiled. "Apparently, that Byun guy was supposed to come here and take care of him, but I guess his busy. So that means you'll stay with him?" I nodded, and she smiled widely. 

"I'll be going now! Goodbye!" She ran away with her heels on. That was badass. 

I hurriedly ran towards Luhan's house. Before I got in, I texted my mom to spend the night at Brenna's house because I missed her. I hope my mother would buy my lame excuse. I also texted Brenna to cover for me, and after that, I was free.

When I got inside his house, I quickly rushed to open his room without knocking (which was very rude, but I'm in a hurry now, so maybe next time) and quickly felt his temperature. And he was blazing hot! Oh no, it didn't meant his body, I meant his temperature!

He was just laying there in his bed, breathing heavily and was covered in his bed sheet under a fluffy comforter. I went on to his closet and looked for a towel that I can get to put on his forehead.

Next, I looked for medicine. Which was easy to find, because it was all laying on his side table. After that, I let him drink the medicine (of course) and put the damp towel on his forehead. 

Now I can sit next to him and sleep. This day was tiring. First day of classes, and he wasn't there. I couldn't help myself but stare at his cute face. His cute face!

Those pinkish lips and that feminine look, how I wish I could kiss and touch them. Then I would be fulfilled. 

Chrystal!? What are you thinking?! Get those thoughts away! Argh, seriously!

When I was finally comfortable in his bed (I wasn't laying there beside him. I was sitting down!) I felt his arms wrap around me, and I could feel his breath. I just let him be and instantly fell asleep.

PLOT EDITED 12/20/2015


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