Perfect Love? Chapter 1

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After my high school graduation I couldn't wait for college to start. It wasn't just that it was pretty much the start of the rest of my life but I was getting out of the small town I grew up in where nothing happened to anyone. My 18th birthday was that summer and my best friends, Hallie, Frankie and Beth, got me 4 tickets and backstage to the One Direction concert. It was going to be the last big thing we did together before we all went away to school. The concert was on my birthday.

Before we left all my friends came over to my house to get ready. We decided to not make teeshirts like we had planned. Instead we all wore dresses. I even got to wear a tiara. When we got to the arena we were able to go backstage to meet the boys before the show started. They were all super sweet but Harry and I had an instant connection. We hung out with them until a half hour before the concert started and then went to our seats. My friends couldn't stop talking about how nice all the guys were and how much they thought Harry liked me. I was still kind of dazed from the whole thing, but I just wasn't the kind of girl that guys liked so I didn't think anything of the extra attention. I just assumed it was because it was my birthday.

When the music started for their first song we went crazy along with the rest of the girls. After their first song they told everyone that they had an announcement for us. Harry walked to center stage told everyone that earlier they had met a group of girls and that it was one of their birthdays. "I'd like to wish a happy 18th birthday to the beautiful Teagan!" Harry yelled. Everyone went crazy and they sang singing happy birthday to me. The whole experiance was unreal.

After the show we went backstage again. I gave all the boys a hug and thanked them for the best birthday ever. Harry took me over to the side of the room, away from the others and said "You know I really meant it."

I looked up into his big green eyes "Meant what?" I asked smiling.

"What I said about you being beautiful," then he kissed me.

There was a loud yell from over on the couch "Get a room!" It was Louis.

"Shut up," Harry said and then he kissed me again. We hung out with them for another hour, but then Paul said that they had to get back to their hotel. Before we left Harry and I exchanged numbers. I couldn't wait to talk to him again.

As soon as we got in the car my friends started screaming. "HOLY SHIT HARRY STYLES KISSED YOU!" and "OMFG you two would make the cutest babies!" I pulled off my sandals and pulled my long dark hair into a ponytail, and said while laughing

"Calm down guys, it's not like we're getting married or anything. We're just friends." In my head I wasn't nearly as calm. We drove to an ice cream parlor for something to eat on our way back to Hallie's house, where we were sleeping that night. Right when we sat down with our ice cream my phone buzzed. I looked down and saw Harry's face smiling up at me. I looked at the message and it said "I had a great time tonight. Can't wait to see you again! Are you free tomorrow night at around 7? Xx Harry" Frankie grabbed my phone and texted him back "I'm free what are you planning?" I looked at her dumbstruck.

"What are you doing?!" I hissed.

She looked at me all innocent and said "Oh nothing, just trying to get you a date with HARRY FREAKING STYLES!" That got us some looks from the other people in the parlor.

"Shhhh! I don't want a ton of people to know about this!" Beth looked at me like I was crazy.

"Why the hell not? If I were you I would put it on Facebook and twitter and show those bitches from school."

"Except we aren't in school anymore so I don't care what they think about me," I reminded her. My phone buzzed again. It was another message from Harry. "I was thinking that you might be able to show me around where you grew up." I looked down at the text thinking. I responded "Sure but I have to warn you my hometown is about as exciting as watching paint dry." He texted back immediately "As long as I'm with you I'm up for anything. Xx" And que the squeals from my friends.

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