Perfect Love? Chapter 11

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Everyone was stunned.

Then Maleah said, "Are you serious?"

"Completely," Zayn said. "You guys are awesome."

Everyone started yelling and jumping up and down. Clara and Mark hugged, but then both got red in the face and broke away.

"This is amazing! Thank you guys so much!" Maleah said.

"We'll email you with more information once we have it, but you'll probably start with the shows in November," Liam said.

"Thats great," said Mark. "This is an amazing opportunity, thank you so much."

I took that as my que to go off speaker phone and say goodbye to my boyfriend.

After I hung up there was a call through the window "All freshman to the main lawn!"

We said goodbye to Mark, Andy and Maleah and scurried out the door.

Orientation was pretty boring. There were "get to know your classmate" lunches, which were weird. We met with our guidance counselors and talked about classes, and we went on at least three tours.

The first two months of school went by pretty fast. When we weren't doing homework or at a football game on the weekends we would hang out with Andy, Mark and Maleah. Clara and Mark started dating, but only after excessive teasing and several weeks did Mark have the courage to ask her out. She was happier then I had ever seen her when they were together.

I was getting tons of hate over twitter, and a few of the tumblrs that I used to stalk back when I was just another fangirl had turned against me. I was used to people not liking me, but this seemed different. These girls had never met me. They knew nothing about me, other than I was American, in college and dating Harry. I guess the third thing was reason enough for some.

In the beginning of November Mark, Andy and Maleah were getting ready to leave to join the guys on their tour. Clara and I drove them to the airport. Clara went through the same thing that I had a few months ago. She stayed strong as we said goodbye and hugged everyone, but when we got in the car she broke down.

"Why do we date musicians?" she asked me with tears pouring down her cheeks.

"Because we love them, and because someone has to date those losers," she laughed at that.

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