Perfect Love? Chapter 9

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As soon as we sat down he looked into my eyes and said "What did those girls say to you?" I tried to fake it and pretend that I didn't know what he was talking about but he wasn't buying it. "Come one. I know that that's what's making you upset. Now come one out with it."

I sighed. I knew that it wasn't worth keeping from him. "They just said that I should stay away from you, that I don't deserve you."

He looked hurt.

"It's not a big deal," I said.

"It is to me."

He pulled out his phone. I wouldn't find out what he did until later. Then he showed me his phone. He had it open to the trending topics on twitter. The number one and two trends were #terryforever and #terrysinging.

"See? Don't let one group of fans represent them all. Most of them love you." I smiled. "I know that we just started dating and I don't want you to think that this is because I'm leaving tonight," he started. "But I think I love you." He smiled as if he was getting used to the idea. "Yeah I love you."

I was smiling so big my face hurt. "I love you too," I said.

After we finished eating we walked back to the car. It was about 6 and Harry's flight left at 9:30. We went to his hotel so he could finish packing. When we walked into his room the rest of the guys were surrounding Liam's laptop doing one final twitcam before they left. After saying hi to the fans watching I snuck off to find Eleanor and Danielle. They were in the room that Liam and Danielle had shared. Clara was there too.

"Hello Teagan!" they said as I walked into the room.

"How was yours and Harry's date?" Clara asked.

"Amazing," I replied.

"We saw the video of you two singing on the boardwalk. Why didn't you tell us you could sing?" Asked Danielle.

"Because I thought that you would want me to sing for you and I don't sing alone in front of people. It's just not something that I do," I said.

"Well clearly you do!" Said Eleanor. "And well, too!"

"Thanks guys."

Niall burst into the room and said, "Our flight leaves in an hour and a half. Paul's said we have to go now if we don't want to miss it." He grabbed some of the bags next to the door and motioned for us to follow him. I grabbed some of Danielle's and Eleanor's bags and followed him. We all piled into the van downstairs and drove to the airport in silence.

Once we got to the airport Clara and I had to say goodbye to everyone before they went through security. We hugged everyone. I stopped when I got to Harry. He gave me the saddest smile I'd ever seen.

"I'll miss you," I said. I wrapped my arms around him.

He whispered into my ear, "I love you, Teagan. I'll see you again soon, I promise." Then we broke away from our hug and he kissed me, very gently.

"I love you, too." I wasn't about to let myself cry in front of him. I couldn't let that happen. As I turned away to leave he grabbed my arm and kissed me one more time. Then he ran after the rest of the boys, Eleanor, Danielle and Paul. Clara held my hand as we walked out and back to the van waiting to take us back to the hotel where my car was waiting for us.

Clara had to drive because I was crying. When we got out of the car she held my hand again, and with my free arm I grabbed the teddy bear that Harry had won for me. It was late when we got back so our plan was to go straight to bed. When we got to our room there was a box on my bed and a bouquet of lilies on my desk. Inside the box was one of Harry's Jack Wills sweatshirts. It smelled like him. I put it on and grabbed my laptop. I opened up the Internet and went on twitter for the first time all week. The first tweet I saw was Harry's.

It said "Guys stop being mean to @heyitsteagan I love her. Hating her won't change that. It'll only make me love her more."

I sent a reply to him "@Harry_Styles thanks Haz. I love you too. Miss you already, the flowers are beautiful." Then I logged off and fell asleep.

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