Perfect Love? Chapter 16

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This part is kind of short, but I only wanted it to be from Harry's POV.


Harry's POV:

Finally the stupid flight was over. After going through customs I turned my phone back on to call Teagan. She had left a voice mail for me. I pressed play.

"Umm hi Harry," she didn't sound like herself. I listened to the whole message. By the end I was crying.

"You ok?" Liam asked when we got into the car. I didn't answer. I just threw my phone at him and stared out the window with tears running down my face. He listened to the message. When it was done he put his hand on my shoulder. I shook it off. The only person that could make me feel better was her, but the fans had ruined that.

When we got to mine and Louis flat I went on twitter. What I saw made me want to throw up. What people had been saying was sickening.

"Are you all happy? @heyitsteagan just broke up with me. She was the love of my life. Still is."

I didn't get the stream of replies or retweets that I usually did. Actually I got none. None at all. I threw my phone down and got into the shower. No one could hear me cry if the water was running. When I got out I went to the kitchen and drank myself into a stupor.

The next day I had the worst hangover I had ever had before. Louis came into my room with a mug of hot tea.

"You ok?"


"Alright," he said leaving the tea next to my bed. I looked at the clock. 10:00. We had rehearsal in two hours. Rehearsal to preform in front of thousands of people who hated the girl I loved. But not all of them did, right? I did see a few nice comments, well not nice but at least doubtful, on the pictures of Teagan and Erik. I got into the shower. The hot water felt good. Maybe rehearsal would be good for me. Who knew, maybe it would even help get her out of my head. Not likely.

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