Perfect Love? Chapter 6

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When we got to the TV station Paul and the boys were pulled off to go get ready. Clara, Danielle, Eleanor and I were taken by one of the stage managers to find our seats. There were a ton of the boys fans there and they obviously recognized Eleanor and Danielle. People were asking them for pictures so Clara and I were taking them.

One girl came up to me and said "You're Harry's girlfriend right? Could I get a picture with you too?"

I was a little surprised but I agreed, obviously. After we were done she went back to her friends and started fangirling. It was kind if weird but it was really cool at the same time. The stage manager who had shown us to our seats walked onto the stage and told everyone to sit down because the show was starting in five minutes.

Obviously all of the girls started screaming because that meant that the boys were coming out soon. When the show started the host ran out and did his intro. When he mentioned that One Direction was there the crowd went crazy. We played along, it was fun to revert back to my old fangirl ways for a little bit. After doing a bit of stand up he invited the boys to come out. Again everyone went crazy.

When the sat down the host said "Does that ever get old?"

The boys laughed and Niall replied with "Of course not!" The host was started talking about the tour and the album.

"Now how long are you guys here for?"

"A whole week," said Liam. "And do you have anyone with you? Or is it just you guys?"

"Well it's usually just us but this week was Eleanor's cousins first week of college so Eleanor and Danielle came to help her move into her dorm," shared Louis.

"I bet it's nice to see the girls again isn't it?"

Liam smiled "Of course. We don't get much time together while we're touring so all of their visits and our little breaks are cherished."

The host turned to Harry. I tensed up a little, what was he going to say? I assumed that it would be about me. I was nervous about the audiences reaction, and I was worried about what the host would say.

"Now Harry, do you mind if we pull up some pictures?" Harry shook his head. "Ok good, we probably would've done it anyway."

The first picture that came up was of him and I walking together. We were holding hands and walking away from whoever was talking the picture, my head was resting on his shoulder. The second one was us in our booth eating our ice cream, Taylor was right, we looked adorable. The last one was of us kissing in the rain. Harry looked at it and smiled.

"Could I get a copy of that one?" he asked.

"So I take it she's someone special then?"

"Yeah. That's my girlfriend, Teagan." The crowd went wild. And not in a bad way like I was expecting.

"Is she here?" the host asked.

"Yeah. She's in the third row with Eleanor, Danielle and Eleanor's cousin, Clara." The camera swung around and focused in on the four of us.

When it refocused on the boy the host said "She's beautiful."

Harry laughed "She's gorgeous. I don't know how I got so lucky."

The host looked at the camera "We have to go to a break now but when we come back One Direction will be performing!"

During the break the stage manager came up to us. "Do you girls want to go back stage for the performance?" We all did so we followed him down the steps and through the back. The boys were busy signing a poster for the wall, the network collected autographed posters from the people who appeared on their shows. When he was done Harry walked over to me. I gave him a big hug.

"Luck had nothing to do with it," I whispered to him.

An intern approached us when we broke away with the picture of the two of us in the rain. "We anticipated you wanting copies of this, so we printed two out and framed them for you."

"Thank you!" we said in unison as she walked away.

"Thirty seconds guys!" called the stage manager. The boys ran out onstage behind the closed stage doors.

We were able to watch from the wings and as we got into place we heard the host say "Now I'd like for you to all help me welcome to our stage, for the first time, One Direction!" The music for What Makes You Beautiful started playing. We were dancing in the wings and so was everyone out in the audience.

When they got to Harry's solo he turned and looked directly at me, "Baby you light up my world like no body else. The way that flip your hair gets me over whelmed, but when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell..." The fans noticed and went crazy, again. I was cracking up the whole time, no one had ever sung to be before! It was amazing.

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