Perfect Love? Chapter 15

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The rest of the weekend went by to fast. I turned my twitter notifications off on my phone so that Harry wouldn't accidentally see them. I didn't want him to worry, and I thought I could take it. We drove back to the airport on Saturday and I left them at the gate. Leaving was a little easier this time. I don't know why, it just was. Driving back to school I was surprisingly calm. I turned the radio on and sang along to Katy Perry. When I got back to my dorm room Clara was already asleep. I couldn't find my laptop so I woke her up.

"Clara?" I asked. "Have you seen my laptop?"


"My laptop. I left it on my desk and it isn't there."

"Oh," she said guiltily.

"What do you mean 'oh'?"

"Nothing. It's just. Well I hid it."


"I'll give it back to you of you promise me you won't go on twitter or tumblr."

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing you just have to promise me."

"Wh..." my phone rang. It was Erik. "Hello?"

"Hi, Squirt," he sounded worried.

"What's wrong," I asked him.

"Have you been online yet?"

"No, I just got home from dropping everyone off at the airport and Clara hid my laptop."

"Ok good. Just promise me you won't go on twitter or tumblr when yo find it."

"That's what she asked me to do too. What's going on?"

"Nothing, just promise me," then he hung up.

"That was weird. Erik just told me the same thing you did." Clara looked sad and worried. "Your scaring me. What's going on. And give me my laptop." She pulled it out from under her pillow.

Naturally as soon as I got it back I opened up twitter. The top world wide trending topic was #teaganjonesisadirtyslut. There was a slight stabbing feeling in my chest when I saw it. I clicked on it to see what it was about. There was a picture of Erik and I walking down my street. There was another one of us hugging. In my notifications I was getting death threats. Each one was like a punch in the stomach.

One said "I warned her that she didn't deserve him. What a whore." it was one of the girls I had approached on the boardwalk. Another said "Eww I wish I had never asked her for a picture. She deserves to die for what she did to Harry." It was from the fan that I had taken a picture with at the boys interview.

I tweeted "That's my cousin Erik. I would never cheat on Harry." in about 2.5 seconds I had over 50 replies. They were all things like "You're sick. You're a dirty whore and a liar." or "I can't believe you would lie about something like this. Just admit that you cheated and break up with him." or the worst "Whore. The world would be better without you."

I couldn't help it. I broke down crying. Clara came over and tried to take my laptop away, but I wouldn't let her. It was like on of those things that you know you shouldn't stare at but you just can't help it, like a car accident. Finally I had had enough. I sat there sobbing into Clara for about an hour. When I was done she said that she was going on an errand. After she left I decided that I should break up with Harry. I didn't want to do it, I loved him with all my heart. I just didn't think that I could handle that many people hating me. So I called him. Thankfully he was still on his flight, so he didn't pick up.

"Umm hi Harry. It's Teagan. You have no idea how hard this is for me to say, but I can't be with you anymore. It's not because I don't love you. It's because your fans hate me, and I know how much they mean to you. I love you more than anyone I ever have before. I love you more than life. I don't want to do this but I have to. I'm so sorry," then I hung up.

After I hung up I went back to my computer. I deleted my twitter account and deleted my tumblr. Then I wrapped myself in a old blanket and cried. Clara came back with a tub of ice cream and two spoons.

I smiled weakly, "Thanks." I couldn't bring myself to tell her that I broke up with Harry. She pulled Titanic out of her bag and put it in her laptop. I was grateful, because this way I didn't have to say anything. By the end of the movie the ice cream was gone and both of us were crying our eyes out. We fell asleep on my bed.

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