Eima and Orzala stood over the electric currant, bubbling like a waterfall.
"Woah. Look at them." Orzala placed a hand on her Pulse. There were four large Spectres making their way down the street.All Spectres had a few physical things in common. They were all hooded figures in long robes. They had no legs. Only tendrils of smoke curling out. Some tendrils were insect like, others resembled tree roots. Their weapons were always bioluminescent. The four they could see were all equipped with swords, scabbards and an axe. Fragments of their life forces would float around them like swarms of bugs, or a mass of energy like a supernova.
"Damn." Eima's fingers curled into a fist.
They were in between two apartment complexes. The night did well to veil their bodies as they continued onward. Getting closer to the Spectres that paraded the streets. In the distance Eima could hear the alarm go off. The high pitch to alert all of Nuveau Kardal. The government used the weather warning as a covert way of saying the city was under lockdown.
"Weather warning in effect. Remain indoors. Weather warning in effect. Damage level 8." An automated woman's voice repeated the message with the loud alarm continuing.
She could already imagine all the damage that would take place. Fortunately, the city government weren't simply scum. They valued their cash cows—civilians' lives somewhat. Every building was reinforced with a metal alloy that prevented the buildings from being torn apart. And they used their own type of spiritual technology barriers, superseding QUOH's. They'd stolen from their very own scientists after all.
Eima's feet landed on the roof of a high rise with Orzala by her side. The metal coating gave off a dull blue sheen in the moonlight.
Below them, the groans of Spectres echoed into the night. The military had sent out their militia. Eima counted two. Armored in the same metal alloy and spiritual energy. Unlike Rogues, the militia took down Spectres with precision.
"Looks like the military is on time." Orzala said and rolled her eyes.
"Bastards. What the hell are they doing here? Eima unsheathed her sword.
"Yeah. The government has always had us deal with all the Spectre activity. Maybe they noticed the rise of attacks and decided to intercede?" Orzala frowned.
"No. That doesn't make sense, though. We've had more before. Even if it's because of the frequency of attacks, it's still the QUOH organization's faction. I'm sick of those monsters thinking they're all high and mighty. They dispose their own people, rather than save them." Eima pulled her hood over her head and pressed a button on the side. A black mask wrapped her whole face. There were small holes for the nose and over the eyes was a band of glowing white light. A small snowflake glowed under her forehead. Only the top of her forehead and the sides of her jawline appeared. Everyone's mask was personalized. Thanks to Rima.
Orzala's mask appeared over her face. Her light was a neon purple and there was a glowing crescent under her forehead.
"Anyways...I love it when we go anonymous." Orzala tilted her head to the militia down below.
"Same here!" Eima gestured with her hand for Orzala to follow. They leaped off the currant.
Eima's feet landed on a police cruiser. The hood crushing as she crouched. A burst of electricity and smoke plumed into the sky above her head.
Orzala landed with one knee to the cement. "Did you really have to do damage."
"It's like telling me not to breathe." Eima was grinning under her mask. She chuckled instead to let Orzala know how she'd really felt.
Ruse of Spirit
Fantasy#3 n Refugee on 2019/06/23 "We're a ruse." A retelling of the Snow Queen. Eima is an adrenaline junkie. From nabbing a mafia member, to finding a child's possessed toy, these are just few of her missions. She is a member of the Queen of Hearts aka Q...