I already need a break

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I already need a break

" o my god I've missed you so much Gabby!! I have so much to tell you!"she said as she basically knocked me off my feet.

"I missed you too! moving to texas to live with my grandmother without you or Bryan, sucked ass!" I said going in to her room.

" I bet!!! everyone gets bored when I'm not around I'm the life of the party" she says as she jumps on her bad. well thats Katie for you shes so confident in herself but then when it comes to boys or any one of her new crushes she starts to question her self. Which I dont under stand why because shes one of the prettiest girls in our school. At least when i left but even then shes still got to be in the top 5.

"Haha i know you are! So whats the latest in all our friends?" I ask trying to focus on her and not my wondering thought of brandon.

"Um.. nothing really new I mean cole is still hes player Badass self. Mandy is still shy but dating Sam King...."

"Wait!!!! nerdy Sam King the every subject know it all!?" I ask in shock because sam was the kid who knew everything and anything he had glasses and had pimples all over his face .

" yea , but honey he's not so nerdy anymore he's actually really hot now he joined the baseball team and isn't as nerdy in class either. And i mean sam's has a really great throwing arm and even got him self a six pack" she finishes off and im still laying here on her floor totally not believing this.

"Ok then ill see it on monday then how jas?"

" shes great shes was really upset when you left. shes so happy your home now and shes dating our very own Dylan" oh now that I wasn't expecting!

"Shes dating my best guys friend since we were in 3rd grade but, i thought they hated each other. Wow remind me not to go away for so long!" I say with a sigh

"I will trust me its not the same here with out you! oh so how did it go today when you arrived?" I raised one eyebrow cause I knew she already knows the answer to that but I answer anyways.

"It was horrible seeing bryan and lilly-ann was the only good part. My dad came up to me and hugged me as if he didnt do anything wrong' my mother basically ignored me which im fine with but on top of all that guess who they invited to be there for my " special arrive" I say using air quotes.

"Dont tell me they invited ...... Brandon? " she says know everything that happened shes the only one that knows beside bryan.

" ding ding ding we have a winner, yup I didn't want to deal with him I wanted to have a normal life without him but no they had to invite him and screw everything up like they always do" I say laying back down

" I know its tough you've liked him forever now but I hate seeing you so upset over him" I knew she was right and I know I need to let go and honestly i have but you know how you will always love your first love well I do and I always will but I honestly dont need him making me feel like crap every day.

" yea I know I dont like him like that anymore but you know there are still feeling. Hey I have an idea lets see if jas, Mandy, sam , cole and dylan want to go out and do something" I say hoping to change the subject

" yea I know how you feel. And yea great idea ill send a group text right now" she gets out her phone while I look at all the pictures around her room of all of us growing up. Oh the memories.


As I get out of the car an make my way up to the entrance of olive garden. I see jas and Dylan making out by their car. Oh how this is going to take time to get used to. I walk up behind Dylan and tap he's shoulder. He stops kissing jas and turns around with a disgusted look on he face until he realizes it me .

" Gabs! O my god dont interrupt people when they are busy " he says smiling I knew he was joking but something tells me he was partly serious.

" geez I missed you to dyl" I walk up and hug him and when I let go I turn to jas and hug her

" dont hurt him please. Not like she did" I whispered to her I was the only one who knew the whole story the rest of them only knew the basics.


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