Men dont know how to show emotion

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She actually said yes to going to homecoming with me I thought she'd turn me down or she already had a date but she didn't. And I'm so glad id be so devastated and embarrassed if she said no.

Its currently 11:47. Ugh I'm so bored the girls are doing there little plan and Dylan and jas are doing whatever they hell they're doing and quit honestly I dont want to know. Ill just text Bryan.

Me- yo what r ya doing?

Bry- nothing my damn sister has my girl working on the t-shirts with her and Mandy so I'm waiting for them to be done which probably be a while want to come over?

Me- already heading over there

Bry- dont try anything with my sister. She has already been hurt enough you hurt her you'll get your ass wiped just like brandon but he had 3 against him you'll only have me but still.

Me- dude chill I wouldn't ever pull the same bull shit he did she doesn't deserve that! See ya soon

As I make my way to Bryan's house I start to wonder I'm I good enough for her? I may be or have been a player but I'm willing to put that behind me if she'll be with me. Will she even want anything to do with me because shes afraid I wont change for her? Ugh I need to stop thinking about this when I entered her drive way I could see gabby in her room on the second story looking like shes having a very serious conversation with Katie and Mandy. I entered and went to Bryan's room finding him on his floor playing black ops.


"Ok so lets get started" Katie said lining up all the t-shirts, stencils and paint.

"Yea ok" Mandy said barely over a whisper

"Mandy? Whats wrong" I asked painting the letter H on the first shirt

" I broke up with sam" she said getting teary eyed

" Its ok Mandy if you felt that that was the right thing to do then it was. If you aren't happy dont force yourself to be" Katie says grabbing Mandy to pull her into a hug.

"Yea I know thanks. Anyways, whats new with you gab if you know what I mean" she says to me.

I just stare at her. Does she mean between me and cole or me and brandon?

"Hello? women answer the damn question whats new with you and Cole?" oh thats what she meant. Great

"Um nothing really. I mean he and I are going to homecoming together since neither one of us has a date but nothing else" I bite my lip I dont know if I should tell them that I might be developing a crush on him. I mean look at what happened to first time. and Cole he's a player, bad boy. He's the guy in school always getting into fights, going to parties but he never drinks, ditches and always has detention I mean he basically as an assigned seat in there but last week he didn't have a lot of detentions he's in all my classes but one and I dreaded that long hour of not seeing him.

" Gabby?" Katie asks

"Hmm" God what now

"You like him back dont you?" she starts to giggle

" I dont know if he even likes me. I wish I knew. I'm so confused on how I feel its ridicules. The way I feel for Cole is a lot different and stronger then the way I felt for Brandon in those 5 years. and honestly its starting to scare me. I dont want to get hurt again. And plus I doubt that Cole even likes me like that I'm he's best friends sister. why the hell would he like me out of all the girls he could have. And if he does like me how come he hasn't told or shown me yet?" I ask starting to get annoyed

" Men dont know how to show emotions as well as we girls do. It will take time. Its probably scaring the shit out of him to he's probably asking himself why would she want a player boy like me. But honestly I dont think he's even a player anymore" Mandy blurts out

" Just be patient Gabs. He'll come around" Katie says reassuring me

"I hope so. Ok anyway how much more do we have?"

"We have I-N-G-? Left" Katie says finishing off the E

"Hey we need a football I'll go ask Bryan if we can use one of he's" i say getting up from the floor. Ah my foots asleep

I walked down the hall to Bryan's room when I hear Coles laugh. O my god when did he get here? As I walked in I noticed they where both shirtless. I froze in my place looking at Coles perfect body.

Snap out of it I tell myself. "um can we use one of your old footballs? please?"

"Yea sure" Bryan says walking over to he's closet looking one in one of he's thousands of boxes. My gaze turns back to Cole who is already looking at me. My short shorts and tank top looks to have an effect on him.

"Ah found one. Here gabs" he tosses the ball to me " Oh and gabs Cole and I where thinking that we should all go to the beach after school on friday and have a bonfire later."

" Ok I'll go tell the girls and text Dylan and jas" I say before leaving the room with the memory of Cole shirtless stuck in my head.


Hey sorry its a short chapter but things came up but after next week the chapters will get longer

Songs for this chapter

When i look at you- Miley cyrus

Just the girl- click five

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