Boom clap sound of my heart beat

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I've been busy lately. But I promise updates will be more frequent then they have been school just started earlier then I expected it to.

Songs for this chapter:
Boom clap- Charli

Beating heart- Ellie Goulding

Lightweight- Demi Lovato


Whats the point in learning history in such detail. It also should be a crime to have student to have it first period. But no here I am sitting in this boring ass class just waiting for it to be over. Im snapped out of my daydream when a piece of paper lands on my desk with my name on it.

Heard about Mandy & Sam. Do you think that many will go to homecoming with me? ~~ Riley

Figures! I knew he liked her

Yea. I do. But don't take it to fast. Sam was her first REAL boyfriend

I pass it back behind me. I can hear him tapping his pen as if wondering what he should say next. Then I felt him hand me the note under the table.

I know I won't. I wouldn't be able to and Plus I'm not that type of guy. I've waited this long for her I can wait a LITTLE while longer

Awww thats so sweet but how long have you liked her? If you don't mind me asking.

Honestly? Ha ok.... since the 8th grade.

Wow I knew he liked her but not for that long.

Wow thats a long time I can tell that you two like each other. You'd make a cute couple :)

When I pass it back back. I could sense him smiling. He leaned forward and whispered "thanks" in my ear then turning his attention back to the teacher giving a boring lecture.

After school I went straight to my room to get some homework done before I leave for the beach. All I know is that Bryan is taking Katie up and Dylan is driving Jas, Mandy and now Riley. I invited him after history class so he could ask Mandy to homecoming
I don't know about Cole though. I saw him but every time he looked at me he looked the other way. Honestly it crushed me.

"Hey Gabs?! We are leaving now to get a pit! see you at 5:30 ok?" Bryan yelled up to me

"Yea thats cool see ya" I yelled back

At 4:15 I started to get ready which would only take me a couple of minutes since I'm not don't my make up or doing my hair. As I was putting my hair in a ponytail I heard a knock on my window.

"What the hell?" I say to myself walking over to my window. when I pushed open my window I saw Cole in the tree.

"Let me in" he said. Without thinking I stepped a side and he climbed in.

"Um.. you do know that know one is here you could've used the front door." I say

"Yes but that was more adventurous" he smiled

"Well Bryan's already at the beach so you should just go find him there" I tell him coldly

"I didn't come here for him Gabby" he says calmly

"Then why did you come here?" I asked turning away from him. Im hurt. Does he like me or not? The question replays in my mind until I feel a hand on my shoulder forcing me to turn around.

"I came here because I wanted to talk to you" saying it as if I should have already known.

"Whats there to talk about!?" I almost yelled as I sat on my bed

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