What really happened

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"What are we doing here?" I asked curiously looking at my old elementary school. ugh those where the easy days.

"I told you I was taking to where I met you" now I'm really confused I didn't meet Cole until 6th grade, I think. I mean I know him and Bryan have been best friends since like the second grade but I never hung out with Bryan's (guess you could call it group) until I was in 6th grade. He must've saw my expression on my face

" you dont remember, do you?" He laughed

"Remember what?"

"The day Bryan and I put sand all in your hair. Him and I saw you sitting down playing some hand game with jas cause you where to cool to get dirty when Bryan and I got the idea to bump sand on your head." O my god that was him?

"That was you? I had to have 3 showers and have my mom comb out all if that stupid sand out of my hair!" I paused as I watched him laugh "you think this is freaking hilarious dont you! O my god, I was so mad" I started to giggle "but still I didn't know that was you"

"Yup it was so funny until the teacher made us walk laps while everyone else was playing. She was such a witch she made the wicked witch of the west look nice." I laughed but He's totally over exaggerating she was nice but they deserved it after what they did to me. Ill be honest she could be pretty bitchy at times when she was on duty. Now I no why. Being female and all sometimes sucks if you know what I mean.

" Hey Gabby, do you want to go to homecoming with me since its two weeks away and neither one of us have dates yet?" O my I want to scream from the top of my lungs yes but instead I nod my head and say

"Id love to" I leaned over and kissed his cheek. My phone then goes off

Dylan- I need your help

Me - oh god what did you do now?

Dylan- nothing geez I love that you have so much faith in me , but I'm being serious

Me - yea so was I, but any ways go on

Dylan- I need to think of a way to ask jas out to homecoming, but i want it to be creative and rememberable.

Me- omg I have the best idea

Dylan- so what are you waiting for? an invitation? just tell me already

Me- you have football practice on thursday right?

Dylan- yea why?

Me - Mandy, Katie and I will buy blank white t-shirts then paint on a letter on each one to spell out homecoming? And you'll be after the question mark guy with a football in your hand you'll toss it to her and on the football it will say 'jas will you go with me? Run to field if yes' or something like that. Today's only saturday well be able to make them in time and convince jas to go to your football practice.

Dylan- wow thats incredible. you've put a lot of thought in to this i can tell and thank you so much

Me- no problem ill get them together tomorrow

I was so excited to do this it was going to be fun. As we made our way back to my house I went on and on about the plan Cole thought it was a great way to ask her out. I got out of his car and said bye to him. When I walked I noticed no one was home so I decided to go read or something. While I was looking for black ops II I got a text

Brandon- I'm such an idiot I keep hurting you. I'm sorry

Me- you know what I finally figured out when I came back? I noticed that 'Its not me its you' I blamed myself for all the pain you caused me thinking i did something wrong and deserved to be hurt so bad. But now I know it was never my fault our relationship was so screwed up it was yours. you could've controlled your own actions you where old enough to know right from wrong. So no I dont forgive you. Dont ever try to reach me again goodbye forever

Im so mad right now. Ugh I need to go outside and kick the soccer ball around. ( helps me release all my anger). This day was perfectly fine before he had to text me and ruin it.

Coles POV

I opened the back gate in to Gabby's backyard. when I heard a soccer ball being kicked uh oh shes pissed. I walked up behind her and cleared my throat.

"So why are you so pissed" I asked

"what makes you think that I am?" she asked raising an eyebrow

"Because you only kick a soccer ball around in you backyard when your mad" I say as I sit down in the grass

"Good observation" she says sitting next to me

"So what happened"

"Oh you know the usual that happens every time I talk to that dick wad" why does he have to be such a push over I say thinking to myself

"What happened to make you hate him?" I asked really wanting to know now

"Its nothing really"

"Being late to a date is nothing this is something" she sighs

"Fine I'll tell you what really happened but you cant tell any one"

"My lips are sealed"

"Ok so two months before I left brandon and I went to a party. when an hour later I went to go look for him I walked in on him having sex with another girl" she starts to cry so I scoot towards her " after yelling he's name he continued to do what he was doing in front of me. So I walked home that night alone. I knew he was drinking but i thought he would've stopped. anyways later that night he cane to my house no one was home so I had to face him alone he told me that I was a stupid bitch and that I ruined everything and then he hit me while I was on the floor he kicked me in the stomach and then he left. Thats the last thing I remember before waking up to Bry shaking me awake outside" I felt so bad for her. How could anyone want to hurt her

"Im so sorry" I said and before I knew it she was laying on my lap asleep


Hey guys Sorry it was short but I've been busy lately I promise they will get longer

Songs for this chapter

Release you - megan and liz

Boulevard of broken dreams - greenday

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