Innocent more like hoe bag

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"Ahhhhhhhh" is all I hear when I pick up my phone.

"What!? You sound like you just met Channing Tatum!" I say wondering whats wrong with Katie.

"Bryan just asked me to be his girlfriend! I am freaking out! My dream has finally come true! Dude you've been back a week and everything seems so much better already." Im shocked why didn't Bryan tell me he was going to ask her out.

"O my god! I'm so happy for you. Dude I told you he would come around" is all I can say.

"I know but I didn't what to raise my hopes. And by the way you know who likes you right?" She says stuttering

"I know and no who?" Oh now I'm really curious. Who could like me?

"As if its not obvious! Its Cole! He's liked you forever now. I think if he asks you out you should say yes." She says. Could Cole really like me? No way he's a player

"Your delusional! He's a player. And if I did say yes I'd just be waiting for another heartbreak." I really would want to date Cole but i couldn't risk another heartbreak. Unless I'm willing to take a chance with him and if I did that means I really really like him.

"But gabs think of it this way he's never asked a girl to be his girlfriend they where all just one night stands and if he asks you out you know you are special to him." I feel as if I cant breath. Is my heart still beating? I guess since she put it that way it make sense.

" Ill think about it. and who knows if Cole will actually ask me out as you said I dont want to raise my hopes up" she sighs on the other side

" I know hey I got to go my mom needs me to watch seth bye" as I hang up the phone I walked into Bryan's room I need to talk to him. I sat on his bed while he was on the floor playing far cry 3. He paused it and looked up at me while I stared at my hands.

" Why didn't you tell me you where going to ask her out?" He just looked at me. "Bryan talk to me! I dont want you or her getting hurt! you know shes liked you since 7th grade. And now all of a sudden you like her? this doesn't make any sense please help me out here. I like the two of you together but I dont want either one of you to have to go through what I had to!" I yell

" Gab I've liked her since the 9th grade but never knew how she felt. I know you got hurt but I'm a big boy I can take care of myself. Shes not like the rest of them shes innocent. I thought Chloe was innocent but I was wrong." He says running he's hands through he's hair

" chloe innocent more like hoe bag " he chuckled. "Why didn't you ever tell me you liked her?"

"Because shes your best friend I didn't want things to get awkward between you two" I get up and hug him

" thank you for your consideration but right now I'm so happy you finally maned up and found out what shes really worth" I sit up and grab a controller ready to play and beat Bryan's ass at this game. Ive always been a gamer every guy thinks its so cool but I dont know if its that cool.

" hey can I ask you something bry?" I ask wondering if i should even go there or if he'll even tell me.

"Yea of course"

"Ok here it goes. Does Cole like me?"

"Yea of course he likes you. you guys have been friends forever" ok I guess I didn't ask that right

"No I mean does he like like me?"

"Gabby you know I cant tell you that you'll have to find out yourself." Really Bryan not the response I wanted. I want to know the truth. I guess ill just have to ask Cole myself. So I leave Bryan's room and go to mine. Ok 20 seconds of courage is all I need and something amazing will happen.

Me- can I ask you something ? you dont have to answer

Cole- of course ask away I'll give you the best answer I can

Me- ok... Who do you like?

Cole- oh now that isn't something I could just tell you threw a text.

Me- why not?

Cole- because I'll explain later I'm picking you up in ten.

Me - okay...?

That isn't what I wanted I want to know the truth. why do guys have to be so difficult?


I cant believe she actually asked me that. Should I tell her that I really like her or will that just make things awkward between us. What if she actually likes me back? What if she doesn't? I guess Ill just have to take the risk with her she means to much to me. not knowing if I had the chance or not will kill me in side. So I'm going to do it. Im going to tell her and wait for her to respond. I make my way up her drive way when I see her on the patio swing in her skinny jeans that fit her every curve perfectly. What? Im a guy what do you expect? Shes wearing a tank top that shows her tan arms. Ugh what has she done to me. She walks over to my truck and hops in.

" I love this truck so much its my favorite." She says. Im glad she gets a great quality truck when she sees one.

" yup bought it just to impress you babe" did she notice I called her babe? Oops i shouldn't have done that

" Yea ok so where are you taking me?" She asks rolling down her window slightly

" I'm taking you to the place that i first met you at" I looked at her and smiled

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