'Love sought is good, but given unsought is better'
"Neither of them wanted the other to come barging in but they needed it."
Mary Styles was the daughter of a multi-billiona...
Picture of Sydney dressed for the trip to the side...
Mary's POV
"Ugh.. I don't have stuff to pack, all my clothes look dumb.", Maddy says on Thursday. Typical. The trip's tomorrow and now she realizes that she doesn't have clothes to wear.
"Lets go shopping", Sydney suggests. And I'm surprised. This is Sydney we're talking about and she hates shopping. Both of us turn to look at her. She just shrugs and says," I really want to enjoy this trip."
"Well then", Maddy exclaims," Let's go!"
Three hours later, all three of us hands full of shopping bags come out of the mall. I hope I enjoy this trip, I spent a lot of time on it. I drop Maddy and Sydney home and then come to the apartment I'd rented near school. I park my BMW and then take the lift to the fifth floor. My neighbours, a young couple smile at me as they leave hand in hand. Must be going out. They have a social life after all, unlike me.
I open my apartment with the keys and look in. Nothing to boast about. I sigh. I put my phone for charging. There's 23 texts from Marc. I ignore them.
I go in my room, get changed in my favourite pajamas and start packing. I take out all the clothes that we bought today and some others and start stuffing them in. I also put in some other necessities like a flashlight, water sippers, hand towels, tissues, some paper bags and other stuff. Once I'm done, I get into bed and sleep comes almost immediately.
I, I love you like a love song, baby I, I love you like a love song, baby I, I love you like a love song, babyAnd I keep hitting re-peat-peat-peat-peat-peat-peat
I groan and pick up my phone without even looking at the caller's id which is a terrible mistake.
"WHERE ARE YOU?!", Maddy's voice yells at the other end. I get up and look at the time.
7:55 am
Fuck! I'm late
I get out of bed and say in the most non-sleepy voice I can muster," I'm almost ready. Be there in 15."
Apparently she believes me because she disconnects the call without yelling at all. I grab the clothes I picked out last night and head for a real quick shower.
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(A/N: That's Mary's outfit for the trip.)
I'm putting on my Converse when Maddy calls again. I grab my bag and head out. Once I'm safely out. I take her call.
"We're leaving. Where are you?"
"Uh..give me two minutes. Call you back, I'm driving."
"Mary, swear on me and answer how much time will you take?"
"Uh...five minutes. I swear."
"Okay, we're waiting"
Harry's POV
"Guys, we should leave. No point waiting for her. She's late all the time.", Linda says for the umpteenth time.
"Yes, well, you and your boyfriend can leave. She doesn't want you to wait for her anyways. And your stupid skin might tan right bitch?", Sydney snaps.
"You, you slut-"
"Are you talking to yourself? If yes then by all means please continue, but in your mind. Because none of us are interested. If no, then let me tell you that there is no other slut here."
Linda looks like she's been told that she's not hot. And by all means that could even give her a heart attack. Sydney looks bored and tensed at the same time. Its the first time I've seen her in shorts. She only wears jeans. Period. But this Sydney was a new one and well, she was looking bold. Like the nice bold.
And then, we hear a car come in at top speed and all of us back away. It comes to halt in front of us. Mary grins from the front seat.
"Get in people", she says. Alec rolls his eyes and says," So much for dramatic entrances. You're late, beauty queen."
"Stop complaining and get in lover boy." , she says.
Dylan whistles. "A BMW? I've always wanted one. Its so much better than any car in this frikin' universe"
"For saying that, fanboy, you get a seat in my car with your female companion." Sydney just rolls her eyes and starts to go behind in the last, Alec stops her.
"Maddy and I sit behind.", he says. When Sydney narrows her eyes at him, he adds, " Unless you want to watch stuff you don't need to.", he grins suggestively.
"Fine", Sydney sighs and gives up. She gets out, then Maddy and Alec get in the back, Sydney and Dylan in the middle. Which leaves me....the shotgun, next to Mary.
This is going to be a long journey.
A/N: Hey guys!! A new chapter...the road trip has started!! And its gonna be really long. Fasten your seat belts. We're off. Please vote and comment!! DON'T BE A SILENT READER!!
P.S: Picture of Sydney dressed for the trip to the side...