Chapter 1 - Lost family

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Your POV

(Y/n) - 8 years 

My name is (y/n) I'm 8 years old I have a beatuful mom that always cares for me, she doesn't work, she stays at home and I help her with the housework. On the other hand my dad works as a dedective he is an known one, and last but not least I have a friend--no a best friend, she is at the same age as me, she has orange her and honey eyes, we were together since the day we were born. Her name is Petra Ral

I coudnt ask for something more in my life, I had the perfect family, well I had, until my fathers death, he was murdered by a group of bad guys. He was looking for the murderer of an old man named Will. That Will had some kind of relationship with the mafia or something like this I'm not so sure.

After my father's death my mother changed completely, its been two years since I saw her smiling. A man came into her life and I was thankful for that. I saw her smiling again. But this was for just 7 months. The man who called himself Phillip and was part of the garrison, was a psychopath and nothing else. I remember how he used to abuse my mom, either me but luckily not sexual abusing, I was able to avoid that.

At my 14th he killed my mom in front of my eyes. I remember how he was stubbing her back with the knife. The only escape from him was when I was with Petra. She was the only person I could open to. Petra would always suggested me to live with her but my reply was always the same "I dont want people I love to suffer because of me".
And she would also say "why, dont you just run away" and I'd always answer her "I'm too scared to do that"

Once I told her :
"Even though I'm a weakling and I'm scared to run for my own freedom, one day I'll do it, I'll leave this place, im going to be free, Petra I've decided. I'm going to join the survey corps"

That day Petra and I promised that we would both join the survey corps.

After 1 year when I was 15 years old titans attacked my hometown

(it wasn't the day that titans attacked Eren's homtwon, well at that time when you where 15 years old Eren hadn't even born yet)

The citizens got in the boats, so I did. When we arrived at another town where i would live I found the chance and ran away, away from Phillip away from everyone.

I've  lost my childhood friend and I won my freedom.
Now i was alone and i became thief. People would always see me as a worm, but they dont know how much pain I've been though, they dont know I became a thief because after all I had to live. I had just won my freedom, I wouldn't give up in life so easily, not now.

All of this changed at my 18th birthday.

              *READ BELOW YOU NEED        TO  KNOW*
Short but okay
Here is the Levi x reader
Hope you like it


Also in this story the ages are fucked up, i mean Levi, Farlan, Isabel, Petra and you are all in the same Age.

You want better explaining of that shit?: Levi, Petra, Isabel, Farlan , you: 18 years old for now, Eren hasn't even born, he'll born when you'll be 19. so that means we go back before Eren was borned, what Levi did(well we kinda know but, I'm waiting for the 3 season to air, if you read the manga of AOT I'm sorry if I messed up so much but I don't wanna read it, I dont wanna get spoiled).

I hope you like the story guys

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