Chapter 5 - Is she alive?

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3rd person POV

The gates opened and you went out.
The survey corps had now arrived at the forest killing titans.

You ran with your horse as you noticed Isabel on the ground and a titan in front of her. The titan was about to step on her "Isabel!!!" You heard Levi shout. You ran towards Isabel leaving Levi behind you. You grabbed her from her jacket. You were now sure that you and Isabel would be safe. But you were wrong.
Your horse stepped on something and fell down. Avril and Isabel fell down but they were away from you. You fell on the center and you didnt noticed the titan who was coming your way.
He kicked you and you hit at a tree.
"(Y/N)!!!!!" Isabel and Levi screamed Levi quickly kills the titan and came your way where you and Isabel were.

"How is she?" Levi asked
"I dong know Levi she doesn't wake up but she is still least for now" Isabel started to cry.

Levi lifted you up and place you on his  horse and he carried you.

Suddenly Erwin appeared "enough for today we are going back.. no one does today" Erwin looked at you "god, what happened?"
"She is alive for now ....we're on a hurry let's go"


You returned back Levi took you to a hospital. Allong with him were Petra Isabel and Farlan.
They found a doctor and explained him what happened
"Is she alive?" Levi asked worriedly
"Yes but I can say she is on a great danger."

For the next 10 days you were in a comma Petra Isabel Farlan and Levi used to visit you. By your sutpise Levi came the most times of the day. At the forest when he saw the situation you were in reality hit him on the face. He cared for you. He didnt want to lose you.

Now he was there by you side waiting for you to wake up.

You finally opened your Eyes and turned your head to him
"(Y/n)! You're awake how do you feel ?"
"Eh I'm good"
"You scared me"
"Yeah, dont do that again"
"But if i didnt do something Isabel would have died"
"(Y/n) I was there I could kill the titan and resque Isabel myself"
"Then why you didn't?"
"When I saw you took Isabel and ran with the horse I thought there was not need for help anymore....I was wrong"
"huh funny how I'm still alive after what happened"you joked.

The door in the Room opened and Petra walked in.
"Levi you're here" Petra said and she noticed you "(y/n) you're awake" she ran towards you and hugged you "ouch" you said under your breath "sorry...I'm glad" you smiled at her.

It was a matter of time until Isabel and Farlan came to see you.

After a few days of resting your were ready to slight some titans again.


Thats it
Author Chan's is lazy
But I'm really tired Im just going to sleep
I know this chapter was short.
But excited things are about to happen.

Love ya all

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