Chapter 12 - IM WHAT?

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Your POV (two weeks Later)

I was with Hanji helping her with her research for titans and stuff like that.
All of sudden I putted my hand in front of my mouth and ran to the bathroom. I sat on the ground and vomit into the toilet, Hanji was behind me holding my (h/c) hair.

"What happened so suddenly?"

"I dont know, maybe its a cold, dont worry Hanji"

"I dont think its just a cold, (y/n) if you're not feeling good you should go home" she suggested me but Refused. I stood up, but when I did a felt a little dizzy and and I stopped. Hanji put her hand on my forehead to check my temperature "Your temperature is normal" she said with a confusing look on her face.

"See I told you I'm not sick" I said as I walked back to the place where we were before with Hanji following me.
"What if?" She started I looked at her "What if...what?"

"(Y/n) do vomit often these days?" She asked me, I tried to figure out what she was saying, I thought of what could have happened but could not realize what was happening "yeah, how did you know, did Petra tell you something?"

"No, but (y/n)and at if you" she stopped and I looked directly into her eyes realizing what she was about to say
"You think so"

"Yeah, you better visit a doctor, go now"

"you sure?"

"Yeah you better now worry about yourself not me"

I did as she told me and I exited the building and headed to the hospital.


At doctor's

"Congratulations Mrs. (L/n) you are pregnant"


"Yeah" I smiled widely, I was so happy Levi and I would have a baby-- right, Levi. My smile faded when I thought about him what if he didn't want that child, what if he'd break up with me all those thoghts made me lose contact with the environment.

"Mrs.(l/n)" she repeated again and again "Mrs. (L/n) are you ok?" I noticed her and looked up at her " Yeah, yeah of course I'm okay" I said faking a smile.
"You think of your husbands reaction?"
She asked me smiling "actually we're not married but yes I'm thinking about his reaction" The doctor placed her hand on my shoulder "Don't worry I'm sure he be happy, j was in the same situation when k was pregnant, I was afraid that he wouldnt lime this but I was wrong, he was happier than ever"

The doctor gave me courage with her words and I stopped thinking negative. I left the hospital and went for a walk at a park I sat at a bench and watched young mothers playing their children, I place my hand on my belly and felt some tears streaming down my cheeks. Tears of joy. Oups I got emotional again.

A boy came near me and tried to grab his ball so I decided to help him by giving him his ball. "Thank you miss" I smiled in response. Then his mother sat next to me "How old is he?" I asked her "2 years old, heh I can't believe its already been two years since that guy was born" she giggled "I'm (y/n)" I introduced myself "I'm Elise"
"Its nice to meet you Elise" she nodded in agreement.

After some hour of talking with a Elise she asked me:

"What about you (y/n), you haven't got any children?"

"Actually I'm pregnant"

"Really? I'm happy for you"

"H-how does it feel to be a mother, Elise?"

"Hmm let's see, its wonderful its really the best think in the world to have a famfine for example, I'm always exhausted from work but when I return home and see that little guy everything changes I mean, i can't explain this kind of feeling its like love you can't describe it. I guess you're kind of scared?"

"You got that right"

"(Y/n) dont worry everything will be fine, you'll understand it while your pregnancy and especially when you give birth"

"Thanks Elise, for everything. It was nice meeting you but I should be going now, my boyfrirnd is maybe wondering where I am"

I waved at her and at her son and left.

Save her from the dark (Levi x reader) ✔Where stories live. Discover now