Chapter 14 - Creation

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Your POV

8 months. I'm 8 months pregnant.
Levi always treats me well and takes good care of me. He is always by my side. I remember when my belly started to get more full and Petra would make fun of me she would always say "Fatty" of course I knew she was joking. In general there were many good moments while my pregnancy which made me really happy.

The best thing was....

3 months earlier.
(Y/n) - 5 months pregnant

It was night I was sleeping in Levi's arms. I had a weird dream it was my mom with angel wings saying: "I'm Happy for you" and then I lost her view. I started crying but then remembered of happy things like that in 4 months a baby will be calling me mom and Levi dad.

I woke up when I felt something in my lower stomach. After a few moments I felt it again. It was the baby. It kicked for the first time. Levi woke up as well "why aren't you sleeping?"

"Levi the baby kicked" I said smiling. Levi hugged me and kissed my neck "thats good news"

"It sure is" then I fell asleep again in his armsThat was one of the best experiences I had while my pregnancy.
The other one was when I fisrts told Levi I was pregnant

I was laying in the bed, my head placed on my Boyfriend's chest. he patted my head "Levi"


"Do you want it to be a girl or a boy?"

"Whatever it will be I want huk or her to have your features" I giggled "Better to am have yours"

Levi and I had plenty of conversations over the baby's gander and how would he or she look like. I just couldn't wait until the little one would come to this world. Now I'm in the 9th month. Everyday I wake up with the same feeling. Nervousness. I was nervous, I was in my month, when would I give birth, will Levi be with me, will it hurt so much.

So many thoughts crossed my mind causing me to get more and more nervous. One of those days The survey corps would how outside the walls. I saw Levi getting ready for that moment, it wasn't the first time, he wasn't scared but I was, I knew that he was strong but still I didnt want him to get hurt.

"I'll be back in two days" he said and kissed me "please take care" he placed his forehead against a mine "Make sure that out baby will have a dad, ok?" I told him and he replied with a 'yes'.

That night I got into the bed and tried to sleep, Alice, the woman who would help me with the birth slept in another room.

I woke up in the middle of the night feeling something weird. I actually felt pain in my lower stomach, the pain lasted for 10 seconds but it felt like it lasted for an entirety. After that I tried to sleep again. It didn't take two hours until I woke up from the same pain but thsi time it lasted longer. Thats when I realized my water broke.

"ALICE" I called out her name after a few minutes she came in "what's wrong?"

"My water just broke"

"Okay (y/n) stay still I'll be right back"

I did as she told me and wait for her to come. After she prepared everything for the birth I was ready to push. The pain I was going threw was undescribable but the only thing I was thinking was Levi.

"One last push" The doctor said and I pushed. The baby finally was born. Alice took the baby to the bathroom to take care of it.

After 10 minutes she walked in the room holding the baby. She handed me the baby and said "Its a girl"

I kept her face close to mine "well come" I whispered softly into her ear.
"So, what are you going to name her" Alice asked "I'll wait for Levi to come, I want him to decide her name.

{1 day later}

It was the day the survey corps would come back so I took the baby and standee where everyone was waiting for the gates to open.

"Open the gates" when I heard that I smiled widely. I saw many people coming in, and still waiting for Levi.

And there he was, on his black horse.
Levi noticed me and the baby so he change his direction and got off his horse. He looked at me with shock
"(Y/n) you--"


He hugged me and kissed my forehead. "So, its girl what should we name her?" I said.
"I thought about something"


"Videl" he said I looked at her and smiled,
"Sounds perfect, Videl Ackerman"

"I love you"

"Love you too"


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