*fighting for love* part 2

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It was Chris that they were drawing. Soon everyone finished and the bell rang. They placed their books on the teachers desk and went outside to have their lunch. The girls ate together although Taylor didn't realise that Pepper and Kiara kept staring into space each time she mentioned Chris. Soon the bell again rang and they went back to class. Chris was laying down on his desk taking a nap.*awwwe ain't that cute* Both girls stood up to go wake him up but they realised that they stood up at the same time. So Pepper asked,"Where are you going ?", in an eagerly way. Kiara felt scared but still replied bravely." To go wake up Chris for our next lesson... Duh" said Kiara. "No one goes near him especially the one I trust." Said Pepper. They gave one another death glares and pepper was just about to punch Kiara in the face, luckily Taylor jumped into the convo,"I can't believe this. Are you both gonna fight over a random guy who doesn't even know you exist ? Kiara do as you please go wake him and Pepper sit and do whatever you please except from fighting Kiara. Do as I say now." Ordered Taylor. Kiara shook him gently while softly saying."please wake up, its time for class". He opened his eyes and asked breathlessly,"is this my birthday ?" "What are you talking about I just woke you up because class is about to start". Said Kiara sweetly while blushing. Kiara had long black shiny hair which Chris seemed to like. He brushed her hair out of her face and said,"it must be my birthday because you are the most beautiful girl in this class that I've ever seen in my whole life." "Please don't take this the wrong way I just wanted to wake you up... I-I just wanted a kis....(omg pepper is gonna kill me was I asking for a kiss? I'm freaking out here !!) I mean I wanted to wake you up  bye." Said Kiara, she was about to walk away when Chris stood up and grabbed her hand. She twirled like a tornado until she was in his arms. Chris was breathing down her neck and her face turned red. "Am I squishing you?" He asked. "Yes. But I like it". He let her go and then pulled her face close to his and was about to kiss, their lips touched and it was Kiara's first kiss. "SIT DOWN PEPPER YOU KNOW ITS HER LIFE!!!". It was Taylor's scream. Pepper was standing with her fists doubled. The couple-to-be was lost in their kiss they finally broke it when they heard a child scream... "Teacher is coming!!!". "Sit close to me". Asked Chris, "okay". Said Kiara still blushing. Kiara only said yes because she sat beside pepper who would kill her if she sat close to her. She went over to their row of seats and said, "I'm so sorry Pepper". "Its okay kid. What's done is done". She replied, Kiara thought her hearing was damaged by that kiss.*pffft weird* "Why don't you sit close to him, you know... Incase he wanna give you another kiss". Pepper winked at her while smirking and Kiara agreed and she took her seat and placed it beside chris' . Their teacher said she got stuck in traffic and is sorry that she is extra late. The children did their work and got through other lessons and the dismissal bell rang. "Wanna come to my place?" Chris asked. "Yes. Most definitely". Kiara replied. She told her friends the news and they replied with;

Pepper-"you go girl".
Taylor-"watch out girl, he might wanna go too far with you. Just let me know whenever okay? And I'll be keeping your bed warm".
"Just please don't touch my diary". Pouted Kiara. They had their little girly convo and then went their separate ways. "So what's your name?" Chris asked as they walked on the side of the street. "Kiara". She replied blushing. "Nice name. Anyways you do know you blush a lot right". "Of course I know. Oh no I don't!!!!", Kiara felt insecure but she tried hiding her blushes for a while. A limo was parked in front of them. "That's not yours right?!". Asked Kiara. "No its not. Its ours". Kiara blushed until her face was as red as blood. "Don't blush too much babe you're embarrassing me". Chris said. She took deep breaths and a few minutes later when their destination was over she got her normal colour back... But,"this is a freaking mansion!!". Said Kiara. "Yes it is". Kiara went inside, it was like heaven to her it contained an inside pool, a boutique,many rooms and stylish decorations. They went inside chris' room and he kissed her once again. She felt bad each time she kissed the guy her friend has a crush on but she didn't want to lose her chance with chris. They kissed for a long time until they stopped. Chris stopped." There's something I need to tell you Kiara". Kiara was eager to know what it is. "Tell me",she replied.

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